
I think i might have depression, how can i find out and get help?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14 and for the last few months i have been suffering from insomnia at night and then tiredness during the day. I've also been getting frustrated extremely easily, for example, yelling at my dad because he was in the doorway to my room, throwing things at people, and punching things in anger. I've been generally feeling very down on myself for weeks at a time with urges to cry randomly, but have not been able to. I've lost my appetite for the most part but sometimes I end up going on binges. I've more recently found myself avoiding people i would normally love to be with as I haven't been feeling like i can face them. I'm finding it really difficult to cope with minor things like people laughing at me, i have to leave quickly then spend a fair amount time trying to calm down.

I have self-harmed in the past and often have urges to do it again. Many of my friends knew about it but shunned me claiming that i was attention seeking so i now feel uncomfortable going to the GP in case i wont be taken seriously

Is there a way that i can get help without my family knowing?

Please help?





  1. why are you afraid of your family??sounds as if you have more problems or at least different than you think. people have been laughing or avoiding me for years well thats thier problem just laugh back and please go to your family and get help asap. you might find that you're just a teenger.your family loves you so give them the chance to help.

  2. You probably don't want to do this, but telling your family would be the best thing to do. or just telling anyone. Your school counsler maybe? Its hard to overcome it on your own, trust me I've been there. I too have delt with depression and self harm.

  3. Since you are 14, I don't think you will be able to get help unless you talk to a school councilor or join an online support group, which can probably help you, but the best thing to probably do is get a proper diagnosis by your doctor.  It is important that your family can know so they can help you as well.

  4. If you have 5 of the 9 below for over 2 weeks, it could be depression.

    1. Depressed mood

    2. Loss of interest in usual activities

    3. Loss of appetite

    4. Insomnia

    5. Psychomotor retardation (slow thought or movement)

    6.Loss of energy

    7. Feelings of worthlessness and guilt

    8. Diminished ability to think and poor concentration

    9. Suicidal thought or action

    See site below for natural help. There can be many causes.

  5. I'm sure that if you tell your GP the things you have written here,you will be taken very seriously. Your parents will have to know ,as they will be responsible for doctor and medication bills, but I am also  sure they would rather know that you want to change your behavior than to have to endure your misbehavior.

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