
I think i might have depression, how can i honestly tell

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I think i might have depression, how can i honestly tell




  1. The doctor can

  2. are you serious?if you feel like ****, you have depression....jesus christ...

  3. If you think it then you are talking yourself into it.  Go for a walk get out exercise.  Don't become one of the 40 million that THINK they need med's for depression.  Read up on ways to treat depression in a natural sense.  IF that does not work then seek professional help

  4. It can be pretty hard to make a definitive judgmentbecause it's most difficult to be objective about yourself. What you can do is get a list of classic depression symptoms online and try to as honestly as possible match them with what you are feeling. This will give you an indication. (I did this with a list from my sophomore psych book and decided that I must have been pretty depressed at the age of 11)

    If you have a personality that is prone to depression, it is something that you will have to deal with all your life. Learn the coping strategies that will work best for you. You can overcome these feelings with time and effort. The best remedy I have found is to keep busy with all the worthwhile activities you can handle. Like I tell my friends "Do's kills the blues." Hang in there.

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