
I think i need help??

by  |  earlier

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ive been really depressed lately,i feel lost,sad,abandond, and i always feel like crying even a remark someone makes,now i was not always THIS sensitive,i mean i am sensitive but not THIS sensitive,also ive been thinking about suicidal action and im kinda scared. im the type of person tht would do any thing one..

im pretty scared i tried to cut myself but i couldnt its SO HARD!! and no one in my house knows i, trying to kill myself,i don't know how to tell them. im just suffering alone its so hard when your by yourself and no one knows ur in so much pain. at school i heard of a school conselour i think i shud try it out wth do you guys think??? I NEED HELP PLZ THNXS ^^




  1. Hi, please don't try to take your life away.  Life has its ups and downs.  I have problems with depression, so I do know what I am talking about.  It may be really down right now, but in the future you may have something very beautiful and wonderful waiting for you.  My advice is to seek out a professional psychiatrist because they are licensed to prescribe medication if you need it.  Medication does wonders.  We as depressed people don't view the world the right way.  It is clouded over so to speak.  When I started meds. it seemed to take those clouds away and I was actually astonished that I had felt the ways that I had before.  Things look worse when you are not in the right state of mind.  With professional help you will gain control of your life, and see it through different eyes.  You have a future family waiting for you.  You will marry and have children.  That is so beautiful just in itself.  If you would like to talk though email more, I would be honored to assist you.  I can be reached at

  2. Hi there. From a nurses medical point of view, this sounds like mild depression. Sometimes when we are sad for a long time it alters the chemicals in our minds and we become in a constant state of 'sadness' or feeling like you can't live anymore. But, believe it or not things like this are very common in young men and women. You need to buy yourself a diary, and write down in it every day how you feel, then write down everything good about yourself and what you like the most. Every time you feel sad, go back and look at that diary. Also, start looking into careers where you can make a difference in helping people. We are all put here for some reason and everyone can do some good in the world, think of some of the people you would hurt and leave behind if you werent here. Sometimes we dont realise the people who love us and would so miss us if we weren't here! I would advise you to talk to the school counselor, its all confidential and it will be nice for you to talk to an outsider, which can give you a pratical approach on this. If after a while, pop to your local doctor and have a chat with them, and they will be able to direct you to a more professional counselor, or place you on some mild anti-depressents, which help alot in 99% of cases in mild - moderate teenage depression. Take it easy hun too, look for the good things in the world! Anything else, feel free to email me xx you are never alone

  3. Hello. :')

    i have felt like this, its really horrible :(  I feel really alone to, and have thought of cutting myself but i just couldnt do it. If you ever want to talk, you can email me on >


  4. Send an Email to your folks...if it is so hard. But TELL THEM.

    Get a dog.

    Take a break / go for a holiday.

    Take up a new hobby.

    Move to a different city if possible.

    But, try appreciating life. Suicidal thoughts are not good. Be brave enough to face life.
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