
I think i should be dunking

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i am 6'2'' a freshman in highschool weigh 186lbs and get my hand over the rim and can virtualy grabbit and i think i should be dunking or at least be dunking volleyballs and i really am annoyed saying i can't dunk. Even though i don't really play basketball all the time i still wanna say i can dunk can any one give me ideas to help me.




  1. ok, here's what i've been doing back then in order for me to dunk. it may sound ridiculous but it was really effective for me. all you have to do is jump over that ring several times each day until you can dunk. yap! that's just what i did in order for me to touch the rim of the basketball in our court (i am just 5'5). by doing this, you're making your body get used to your weight in terms of jumping.

  2. keep jumping

  3. practice jumping regurally everyday and you'll do it

  4. leg weights and some plyos

    just practice your technique that can be the difference.  If you jump   of the ground with one foot try not to make a sound.  If u 2 foot jump pretend the balls of your feet are going to break through the floor.

  5. Just keep doing it. Im 6 foot, 165 pounds and I sucessfuly dunked my first volleyball a few months before my freshman year was over. Just work on it, you'll definately be able to do it, try jumping off one foot with a running start and extending your arm as far as it can go.  

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