
I think i started my period ?

by  |  earlier

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I think i started my period becuz i saw a blood spot so i put on a pad and the was no more blood.




  1. ehh.. this is difficult, because i would get blood spots for about 3 years before i actually started my period. Normally when its your first period, its brown blood.. But keep a watch on it.  

  2. Welcome to WomanHood!

    My first day was really light, and then the following days were a bit heavier. Good luck and always have pads on hand.

  3. Hun you got your period. your first period there is only spotting but still keep a pad on. On your period you get cramps a lot of the time. For pain relief take Tylenol or Motrin. If you have any question just clip on my pic with the name silly girl below it and click on email silly girl.If you want to email me you have to let people email you to.

    BTW You period might not come every month for 2 years. Its normal.

  4. you got it. im 90 percent sure and if you did it will come again in a month.


  5. yup. but dont be alarmed if it takes a while to even out. like i remember i got mine first exactly like you decribed in august, then nothing happened again until april (like 8 m later) then it became heavier and more regular

    c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s !

  6. lolz congratz on becuming a woman :D

    my first day, was heavy. hahaa. i think. i dun remember, years ago.

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