
I think i was a vampire in my previous life?

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is that possible?




  1. yes when i tried to nibble on your neck you bit me

  2. Considering there are no previous lives or vampires I would say no

  3. Vampires are items of folklore and didn't exist. Vampires were a misconception of lycans and even then, that idea came from a Mycenaean King being hairy and acting strangely during the night. So I would have to say no

  4. actually it is possible. no one has proof that vampires have never existed. on the other hand, no one has proof that they don't either. which does make it possible.

    odd suspicion, but interesting.

  5. Vampires are supposedly immortal, you should still be living your previous life.

  6. once a 'pire, always a 'pire.

    you should have someone drive a stake through your heart, before its too late.

  7. to kimbo: how can you have proof that something has never existed??

    i would like to believe in vampires since the famous twilight series but unfortunately i dont. its just difficult to believe in something you dont factually know much about...

  8. well there is a chance do you believe in vampires?

    do you have strong urges so suck someones blood?xD jk

    well if you think that you happen to have any types of symptoms like a vampire then it is possible that you were a vamp. in your past life. but i have no right to say yes or no because it all depends if you believe that you were possibly a vamp in your previous life.

  9. definitley! vampires were and still are real i watched a television bio on one not too long ago. he has to drink, like, animal blood or something.

  10. Not in this realm, but maybe in a parallel world to ours.  Souls can cross the plains of existence.

  11. anything is possible...they were talking about past lives on oprah:) and i think maybe vampires could excist. but whether we choose to believe in something or not, doesnt change what actually is out there....

  12. no.  Vampires have never existed.  

  13. Uhh... i think so i wish i was ryan ross in my previous life xD  

  14. I'll give you 2 reasons why you are wrong.

    1-vampires don't exist,never did.

    2-we don't live any more lives ,only the one we have now.

  15. well, EVERYTHING'S possible

    but maybe, just maybe theres a different explination

  16. i think that it could happen, i mean i've always thought that i could have been one. i really like it when guys bite me, it's such a turn on! but as for being one in a past life i think that everyone has had a past life, sometime we will do something that feels like we have done before only to discover that we haven't or couldn't have. some how we will always find a way to keep in touch with those past lives in someway. so if it feels right to you then who is to say that it isn't?    

  17. yes

  18. you too?!?

  19. no.

    go read a book.

  20. hahaha sure why not ;)

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