
I think iam mentally weak i nervous of sign in cheques, icant writting in some body with me my hands are shake

by  |  earlier

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i think my vains are weak and iam afraid of my senior officers calling to me and they ask any quistion icant answer that quistion and i could not understand his spoke then my heart beat is higher then normal iam feel iam not well, icant write in cheques and icant write in peoples near by me




  1. I think you're right

  2. My Dear, you need to sit quietly for a minute and try to breathe deeply. It sounds as if you might be having panic attacks. You are not alone. Many people have them at one time or another. There are many ways to learn to feel calmer in these situations. When you are in the middle of feeling like this it is, of course, very difficult to think clearly. The fear that you feel literally puts your brain into a primitive state that puts your whole body into 'fight or flight' mode. This is the same mechanism that the human body had thousands of years ago and we needed it because we had to get ourselves out of potential danger!  Your brain and body thinks you are in danger and then you feel the symptoms you are feeling and can't think straight anymore.

    There are many ways to feel better of course. The most important thing is to become gradually aware of when these feelings and sensations are starting. Then, as they begin you learn ways to calm yourself down until you are feeling better. One way is to do breathing exercises. Here is a link with some examples to start:

  3. Go see the Doc and get a profile, sounds like your losin it

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