
I think im a danger to myself

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last week i took a overdose of a months wrth of venlefaxine and abot 8 dizapam.i was having fits and was in hospital for 4 days.i saw two mental heath docters and they both thought it would be best to see my phycolistist and cpn,ive done that and have an apointment in 2 week,but the problem is even though now the docter is only giving me weekly meds at the moment i know that and my cpn says if i take anouther od ill problem die.and i cant get the thought of oding out of my head.i should feel scared that im wanting to od again but i dont why dont i?

please help and no stupid comments like just do it kill yourself please there not helpfull




  1. I think you should do what the doctors tell you, after all they know best.

    Hope you will be okay =]

  2. Don't let go of your life even one second before you have to. It may be the only one you get on this earth! Call someone and talk to them immediately. I just lost my brother to suicide and my family and I are heartbroken. Please don't harm yourself. Things feel bad to you right now but believe me it is temporary. Life is a cycle. You will feel better someday. This is not permanent. Please please don't even consider harming yourself. There is no problem so bad that you have to die over it. You will be missing so much! Best wishes to you.  

  3. Taking Authority over Your EmotionsEmotions are an area that many Christians don’t understand. Because of this, Believers often allow their emotions to lead them. As a result, emotionally-led decisions take them on a course that is out of the will of God for their lives. While God gave every human being emotions, it is critical that we get control over negative emotions and subject them to the Word of God. Make these daily confessions so that you can subject your feelings to God’s Word and make the right decisions:

    Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me healthy emotions. I declare that negative emotions will not impact my decisions, neither will they dictate my responses to difficult circumstances. I will submit my feelings to You in every situation that I encounter in life. You have given me authority over the power of the enemy, and I declare that nothing shall by any means hurt me, including people and situations that try to negatively influence my emotions. When I feel overwhelmed by life, or troubled by negative emotions, like Jesus, I will pray and keep moving forward  I bind depression, anxiety, worry, fear, doubt, anger, rejection and any other negative emotion that tries to attack my mind. I possess power, love and a sound mind. I thank You, Father, that I walk in peace, joy and the comfort of the Holy Ghost. I have the mind of Christ and my emotions are controlled by the Word of God. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    Scriptural references:

    ·Mark 14:33-35

    ·Luke 10:19

    ·2 Timothy 1:7

    ·Romans 14:17

    ·1 Corinthians 2:16

    God Bless U

  4. call a suicide hotline they are open 24 hours a day.. check out a phone book for some numbers

  5. do you have some1 with you ? if not might be a good idea to see if someone can stay or if that wont help when you feel low phone the samaratins or a helpline they will help you most in your hours of need

    i hope you get through this as no matter how low you are there are people who love you and care for you use them now when you need them

    all the best lovey x*x

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