
I think im dehidrated how do u tell?

by  |  earlier

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im very thirsty and after i finish drinking im still thirsty




  1. You can't drink too much water so have at it and quit worrying.

  2. Are you thirsty?

  3. Well being thirsty even after having water is a sign but there are others you can look out for before you even notice thirst.

    You may be tired and feel like you need a nap. You can be dizzy or have a headache. Also if your urine is dark then you have very little water in your system.

  4. Well, if you haven't drank anything in awhile you are :-)

    No, you should be going to the bathroom about every 3 hour or so if your getting enough fluids.  Neck Muscles sore?  Headache?

  5. dizzyness, nausia, fatigue, dry mouth(sometimes). I got severly dehydreated, and i missed my period and go so dizzy i passed out.  Go drink water, just incase. Take care of your kidneys. You dont want to be on dialsys.

  6. first off learn how to spell. it's dehydrated. and... you can tell if you're always thirsty ..

  7. you get may feel bloated or start to retain water....I know this is gross but the colour of your pee should be clearish...if it is yellowy you need to drink more water

  8. well if your reallly really thirst and your head hirts unarably then ur dehidrated (lol i spelled it ur way)

  9. Early symptoms:  dark urine, light headache, feeling a little dizzy,

    sleepy when you've had adequate rest.  If you normally don't drink adequate fluids, you might not feel thirsty.

    Drink water...not caffeine.

    Oops. I Forgot your comment about being thirsty.  Drink more water.

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