
I think im gonna start trying stand up motorcycle wheelies instead of sit downs cause anyone give me advice?

by  |  earlier

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Im gonna practice stand up wheelies on a 600cc motorcycle can anyone know how high the rpms need to be to get it too the balance point. I weight about 210 pounds and will have one foot on the rear brake and one on the rear passenger peg.




  1. put on an extra thick pair of pants (so when you land on your.*** it hurts less?)

    hope this helps!

  2. Unless you are racing while you are standing up and doing a wheelie this is posted in the wrong section, so you may get a better answer if you ask in another section as this one is for motorcycle racing

  3. I hope you plan this on the track and not on the street.  Getting ran over after falling on your behind really doesn't sound like a happy ending.

  4. be sure you have a note in your pocket so the guys that come to scrap you off the pavement will know to call your next of kin

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