
I think im good enough to win a tournament in tennis so where would i find a a local tournament near woodbridg

by  |  earlier

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well i live in woodbridge and i want to participate in some tournaments cause i think im good enough . so i need suggestions onn where to start cause im aiming to be famous or atleast get on the news paper . even though ittl take alot of practice i want to do it . i want to go to a tournament which has like trophies and stuff . so where do i start ? i know i should start locally but i cant seem to find any tournaments . and also umm i want to know where to sign up for tournaments . you ppl got any ideas ?




  1. do you mean woodbridge, va?! if so go to in the mid atlantic juniors section and look for the schedule for upcoming tournaments. i play in several tournaments and believe me its not easy, you have to be totally dedicated to win. i have only been in the newspaper like twice and i'm not really famous. the tournaments on that website you can sign up for online. good luck. =)

  2. Go to and search for tournaments in your area.

  3. woodbridge ct?

    Search tournament schedule here:

    type age group, what state u live in, all that stuff and the month

  4. I love tennis

    I play all the time

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