
I think im not on the right track anymore...?

by  |  earlier

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i used to be a gr8 student around 5 years back...straight As...but now im starting studies in the college of my choice but i just dont think i can do it....i dint do that well in my A levels...and i'll have to appear for retakes alongside my college studies...and i have had a sore throat for more than a year now and its viral....i went to an ent specialist and he said its fine and that i should not be stressed...but with my current situation im bound to be stressed...which makes my throat worse...which makes it difficult to college is an engineering one....and im a girl....and since i studied really hard for their entrance test i got in....over 25,000 students applied and only 1,500 got in and i was number 554 on the merit list....can i do it?




  1. YES YOU CAN! over 25,000 students applied...

    only 1,500 got in...

    you were 554 on the list.

    remember that.

    that alone says that others who barely know you have faith in you, and rather than the stress you are feeling, you should have confidence.

    repeat that would you?

    you were 554 on the list

    of over 25,000...

    you are awesome! you need to believe that you are awesome, because others already know it! there is no way for you to fail unless you don't try. you are already hot $h1t! one day, you will brag about all the hardships you faced while you were at college, you know the whole "i had to walk 5 miles to school in 3 feet of snow uphill both ways" thing. you will be an icon to women everywhere! okay, maybe not that far, but you could be! i believe in you, and i don't even know you!

    RELAX! you are obviously good enough for the school or else you wouldn't be there.

  2. become a crack dealer

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