
I think im pregnant!!!?!!!!?

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i was suppose to start my period this past friday. I just took a pregnancy test and the one line thats the default like came up super super dark and the other line just barely is showing up but its there and its pink. when you took your tests where both lines really dark? do you think i really could be pregnant? :o)

baby dust




  1. well it happened with me... the first pregnancy test i took was a vary obvious dark line  followed by a barley there faint line but sure enough i could see both.. 9 months later my daughter was born.. Your hormone is probably just weak your best bet though is give it 1 to 3 days let the hormone develop and take another pregnacy plan...


  3. You are totally prego!! Congrats!! With my son i had a totally faint line and hes almost two!!! Same with my last pregnancy, it was a faint line and i was totally prego ( i ended up miscarrying later, but it wasnt becuase of a faint line) Some women have a stonger HCG level, i dont so I always get faint lines but it doesnt mean you are any less pregnant. You should take one in a week though  so its got two dark lines to put in your baby book!! Congrats!!!!!

  4. I barely had the other line show up with both my pregnancies, so I think that its safe to say you are pregnant.

  5. A line is a line! Congrats on being pregnant! Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months!

  6. If there is any second line for a pregnancy test that means you are pregnant ...Congrats i hope thats what you want.

    Only for ovulation test the second line should be darker or equal to the first line.

  7. even if theres a little pink line that counts, no matter how light. you should take another one, and if theres another pink like that then you should go to the doctor and get a blood test.

  8. Take another one in a few days.

    Sometimes the second line can be pale and = a + result!

    *Baby Dust*

  9. both at home tests i took were very faint positives, but they certainly turned out to be accurate.

  10. yes you are, mine was faint too but a line is a line. Congrats

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