I have like visions into the future and Im only 14 Like okay, a couple of months ago, a baby was kidnapped from a hospital, and the night before she was found, I had a dream that she was with her mom and dad, and they were on the news. Sure enough, the baby was found, and was on the news just like I had thought.
Now, me and my mom look a lot alike, and I had three dreams that I was prego. And today, I just found out that my mom is prego. And like before she told me I just knew she was pregnant, I also see that the baby is going to be a girl!
Alot of times I could also close my eyes (but mostly when it comes to numbers) and I see the number. ex: the number of the combining scores in the super bowl, a winning lottery ticket. Anything with #'s. I may not always get it exactly right, but it is ALWAYS close or almost right on.
Is there a way I could make my psychic powers stronger if it's possible...but I dont want it to be all vudo & bad. If anything I look at it as a blessing!