
I think im ready for a child but how do i tell them?

by Guest21358  |  earlier

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ok so ive had a miscarriage twice now and im months shy of 18. and i am really ready for a child... i have the finacal* abilties to take care of one, and i have a loving fiance. I just dont know how to tell the rst of our family.. help?




  1. Maybe you could wait untill after your married. Then your family won't look down on you as you are already married. It will seem better in thier eyes. Considering your youngish age. Good luck.

  2. You are not even 18, you are in no way ready, nor should you have a child. What ever you say, your family won't take it well, nor should they, it's a stupid thing to even consider.

  3. darlin u need to slow down, do not jump cos u could hav miscarraige again.. so jus wait till next year or in 2 years.. i guess time is not right

  4. I see where your going here.

    Normally I would agree with the first girl, my mom had me at 18 and my life was hard growing up. But I am kinda proud of you, you are financially secure and have a man who loves you and wants to marry you!!

    My only advise is this: Make sure your relationship can handle the extra stress. Sometimes even if you are ready as a person and emotionally, your relationship can crumble under the stress of child raising.

    But if you truly believe your ready then tell your man and with his support tell your family how you both feel. They love you and will support you through this. Don't be afraid, because they will stand by you!!!!

  5. u need to slow down and wait to at least do 2 yrs of college then have a child... trust me i had mine at 18 also

  6. Not a good idea. Does your fiancé have a job? Or are you going to leave your child when you go to work. You should stay with your child at least a year, in my opinion anyway. What about medical insurance for your baby? Where are you going to live? Are you going to be able to make car payments, PG&E, Cable and Interenet (if you watch T.V. or continue to talk on Y?A), water...have you taken all of this into account? What about baby items? Are you going to use cloth? If not, have you figured out how much diapers, wipes, etc are going to cost. What about college? Are you going to miss out on many important milestones in your childs life to get a career?

    If you HAVE figured out all of these things...tell them your plans, if it's that important to you, it won't matter what they say and if they really love you, they'll except whatever you choose to do.

    Have you been see by an OB/GYN? Having two miscarriages at your age is not safe. We're those pregnancies accidents?

    Just asking some of the things your family will probably ask.

    Sorry for your losses and good luck.

  7. well since you have the money do it, but only if you really want to, remember theres no turning back. and if you live at your own place then its not your parents decision anymore just tell them to except it you want to have a baby.

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