
I think im ready to surf on a shortboard what size is right for me ?

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hi, i ve been surfing for about a couple months now on a 8ft longboard and i think im ready to move down to a shortboard. im 5'3 120 pounds but im not scrawny im built and bench press 195 pounds. what do u think wud be a good size board for me? i also had a 6'11 fun board and rode it pretty good too. i want to go shortboard =]




  1. dude trust me a short board are a ot dif to a longboard dont go to small i started on a 6'7 short board and it was great now im on a 6'3 but it all depends on what the surf is like where you surf dont make it a fashion statement coz sometimes bigger boards are better.

    surfing is all about having fun and not making a fashion statment.

    def go to a local surf shop where you know the people no what they are talking aboout and they will set you up,

    good luck mate

  2. for you...go with a 6'8

    thats what i did after my first time on a longboard

  3. Go to a local surf shop and talk to them about this.  They will be able to give you much more accurate advice based upon the local conditions.  Just don't go buy some crappy popout board.

  4. If you just finished riding a 6'11, I'd suggest a 6'4. But given your height, you can def. be moving down towards 5'11 and 5'10s once you get used to riding a shortboard.

  5. im 5'6" and 130 lbs and i rid a 6'4" shortboard. i love the size and its great. i would look for a board around 6'3" to 6'6" but go to your local surf shop and the guys there will get you the right board and equipment for your skill level and the breaks at your beach. have fun surfing and good luck!

    and what kim dude said... dont buy a crappy popout board. you will regret it.

  6. I would suggest going to a surf shop and getting their opinion. Longboards are easier to recommend over the internet but shortboards are very hard to.

    The Surfboard Man

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