It all started in feb,. I was pregnant but lost my baby due to some rare condition,(hydatidiform mole) and now have to have check ups all the time as there is a very very small chance of me getting a malignant cancer.. so i havent really been able to let go.. I never really spoke or cried about losing the baby i tried to be strong and get on with things. this month i really believed there was a chance i was pregnant but i have come on and its really painful this time. My friend well loads of people around me are having healthy babies and now i cant stop crying as i really did want my baby. i cant be happy for people i just feel like its always me who when growing up missed out on the school trips, going out with mates, getting good grades now this. i dont know what to do as i think if i go to a docs then my boyfriend will kind of look down at me, as he always knows best and is always right