
I think im slipping into depression

by  |  earlier

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It all started in feb,. I was pregnant but lost my baby due to some rare condition,(hydatidiform mole) and now have to have check ups all the time as there is a very very small chance of me getting a malignant cancer.. so i havent really been able to let go.. I never really spoke or cried about losing the baby i tried to be strong and get on with things. this month i really believed there was a chance i was pregnant but i have come on and its really painful this time. My friend well loads of people around me are having healthy babies and now i cant stop crying as i really did want my baby. i cant be happy for people i just feel like its always me who when growing up missed out on the school trips, going out with mates, getting good grades now this. i dont know what to do as i think if i go to a docs then my boyfriend will kind of look down at me, as he always knows best and is always right




  1. i'm sorry to hear your troubles. i suggest of talking to your doctor so he or she can refer you to a therapist.  

  2. If you are depressed, you need help now, regardless of what other people are going to think. Find someone who will support your decision to get help. If your boyfriend doesn't support that decision, find a friend or a relative who can help you stay on track with visits to the counselor and, if needed, taking appropriate medication. With all that has happened to you, I'm sure you are suffering. I can't imagine going through what you describe. Surround yourself with people who love you and will allow you to grieve for your baby. It's okay to be sad! And if it is depression, it's something that you can't help or control or change by yourself.

  3. first of all do NOT worry what anyone thinks.. if you feel like this you need to talk to someone whom you are close to or go see a doctor... your health should come before anything else... please get in taken care of it before it gets worse... if your boyfriend truly loves you, then he will support your decision and help you thru this process... good luck...

  4. <> boyfriend doesn't always know best>>>you know whats best for yourself,,,,loosing a baby is a HUGE trauma in a persons life  and I don't think if you were to go talk to someone the boyfriend would think less of you...if he does than I'm thinking you need to find someone who can be a little more compassionate towards your feelings> I don't mean to sound harsh but,,,,,he needs to love and protect you when you are going through something his horrible.

    Chances are you are slipping into a depression and the best part about it is that you are recognizing it before it get too bad< Go see a therapist to help you through this and Good Luck.

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