
I think im starting to have anorexia :(?

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every time i eat i feel so sad as if i killed someone or myself when i do eat i vomit it out or i wont eat for weeks i dont know what to do i hate my self and my body im only 18 i dont want to die. i get this really bad feeling every time i eat what should i do?




  1. You need to talk to a parent,counselor, or a psychologist who specializes in eating disorders. The longer you wait the harder it will be to overcome  

  2. Tell someone! Please. You don't deserve to do harm to your body. You need help. My friend was anorexic and she almost died. She was strong enough to ask for help though and now she is healthy again. So please ask for help. You can do it..

  3. definitely tell someone close to you and get help. start calling couselors or even check yourself into the hospital. you need to deal with this immediately before it gets any worse and left untreated, it WILL get worse.

  4. you need to find a counselor fast to get out of this dilemma.  please find help for yourself.  you sound worried and at least you know you have a problem.

  5. Go to a doctor immediately.

    I'm a recovering anorexic, and believe me, it is not something you want to get in to.

    Clearly you have issues with your appearance, possibly just a phase, or it could be a deeper issue. If that is the case, then counseling would be an idea.

    Try to think about it like this; you may feel like everytime you eat you're killing yourself, but everytime you avoid eating you in actualt fact on a slow road to killing yourself. And a painful one at that.

    Please seek help. Anorexia is serious mental disorder, and unless you seek help immediately you will fall deeper and deeper.

    Consider the fact you may not have anorexia. You didn't post details about your current weight. What you may be suffering with is EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified).

    Please feel free to email me, and I will do all I can to help you. But a doctor and some form of proffesional help for your current mentality is essential.

    My email address is

  6. You need to talk to someone,professional,a family member you can trust,and stop throwing up,it can hurt your body.

    ask yourself why you feel like you've killed someone every time you eat.

    Did something traumatic happen to you recently,or in your past?

    Going to someone who can help you with the eating disorder you may be developing,can help you early on,as you wont cause as much damage to your little body.I highly encourage you to talk to someone other than the internet.

  7. GET HELP, talk to someone like a parent and see if you can get a therapist

  8. The fact that you are asking because you think you have anorexia, means in your heart you know you have it.

    It is so great that you were brave enough to come and ask for help! That is the first step.

    YOU NEED HELP. Tell someone, not just online, but someone in your life, like your parents, your best friend, whatever. You cant let this go on, and you cant do it alone!

    I hope you get better!

  9. It is hard to alter your mind and beliefs. I went through a period like this, and which I hated my body. What you need to do is educate yourself. I looked up anorexia and bulimia and saw many disturbing images, and I thought "that could be me, if I continue this".

    Learn to love your body, and accept just how beautiful you are as a person. You need to eat to function everyday. Once you look up the consequences of anorexia, you will never want to become that. You are a beautiful person, don't let anything get to you. You need to learn to love yourself before anything else.

  10. Whoa! I think your disorder is more of a psychological one. Don't eat until you're gonna find yourself being fed intravenously with all those needles full of soupy food stuff. (just kidding)

    Bear in mind that eating is basic and most important thing that people do. It's not a crime that you should feel guilty after doing it. Your body needs food. My final advise is that seek doctor's help if it is now out of control. Good Luck

  11. i don't believe vomiting your food is a sickness. I think people do it for attention but they way you talk makes it seem like you can't control it.  There are some many others thing you can do for attention like make something out of yourself.  But if you really feel like you can't control it you really need to talk to someone mostly a doctor because people who you can count their bones is just so sick. i'd rather be fat then death skinny

  12. A person with anorexia nervosa, often called anorexia, has an intense fear of gaining weight. Someone with anorexia thinks about food a lot and limits the food she or he eats, even though she or he is too thin. Anorexia is more than just a problem with food. It's a way of using food or starving oneself to feel more in control of life and to ease tension, anger, and anxiety. Most people with anorexia are female. An anorexic: has a low body weight for her or his height, resists keeping a normal body weight, has an intense fear of gaining weight, thinks she or he is fat even when very thin, misses three (menstrual) periods in a row―for girls/women who have started having their periods  Someone with anorexia may look very thin. She or he may use extreme measures to lose weight by: making her or himself throw up, taking pills to urinate or have a bowel movement, taking diet pills, not eating or eating very little, exercising a lot, even in bad weather or when hurt or tired, weighing food and counting calories, moving food around the plate instead of eating it. Someone with anorexia may also have a distorted body image, shown by thinking she or he is fat, wearing baggy clothes, weighing her or himself many times a day, and fearing weight gain. Anorexia can also cause someone to not act like her or himself. She or he may talk about weight and food all the time, not eat in front of others, be moody or sad, or not want to go out with friends.

    Eating and food behavior signs and symptoms

    Dieting despite being thin – Follows a severely restricted diet. Eats only certain low-calorie foods. Bans “bad” foods such as carbohydrates and fats.

    Obsession with calories, fat grams, and nutrition – Reads food labels, measures and weighs portions, keeps a food diary, reads diet books.

    Pretending to eat or lying about eating – Hides, plays with, or throws away food to avoid eating. Makes excuses to get out of meals (“I had a huge lunch” or “My stomach isn’t feeling good.”).

    Preoccupation with food – Eats very little, but constantly thinks about food. May cook for others, collect recipes, read food magazines, or make meal plans.

    Strange or secretive food rituals – Often refuses to eat around others or in public places. May eat in rigid, ritualistic ways (e.g. cutting food “just so”, chewing food and spitting it out, using a specific plate).

    Appearance and body image signs and symptoms

    Dramatic weight loss – Rapid, drastic weight loss with no medical cause.

    Feeling fat, despite being underweight – May complain about being overweight in general or just “too fat” in certain places such as the stomach, hips, or thighs.

    Fixation on body image – Obsessed with weight, body shape, or clothing size. Frequent weigh-ins and concern over tiny fluctuations in weight.

    Harshly critical of appearance – Spends a lot of time in front of the mirror checking for flaws. There’s always something to criticize. They’re never thin enough.

    Denies being too thin – Refuses to believe that his or her low body weight is a problem, but may try to conceal it (drinking a lot of water before being weighed, wearing baggy or oversized clothes).

    Purging signs and symptoms

    Using diet pills, laxatives, or diuretics – Abuses water pills, herbal appetite suppressants, prescription stimulants, ipecac syrup, and other drugs for weight loss.

    Throwing up after eating – Frequently disappears after meals or goes to the bathroom. May run the water to disguise sounds of vomiting or reappear smelling like mouthwash or mints.

    Compulsive exercising – Follows a punishing exercise regimen aimed at burning calories. Will exercise through injuries, illness, and bad weather. Works out extra hard after bingeing or eating something “bad.”


  13. Oh wow! I feel there, even though I'm a fatty...well not really, but i think so. HAH, anyways. If it's true starvation, then think of what or WHY u are starving urself, is it because the food just isnt "tempting" or because ur worried of the "fullness" feel in ur the emptiness in ur stomach is giving u some sort of pleasure? because really, U CAN solve this, like NOW, so go for it, and im not say eat CHOCOLATE or whatever, but begin to eat atleast  a few servings of fruits of Veggies a day, and from there it'll only get better, and at that u wont feel upset with urself, because all the fruits and veggies are are like kinda "solidified, and flavored Water"... it's best if stop NOT-EATING, and be careful of where this will go.

    please take care!

  14. u wont look like Whitney from americas next top model

    u willl look SICK

  15. there are books on how to fight anorexia....ask your parents help and go to a doctor...

  16. well ask yourself why do you feel bad??? is it that you feel you are fat??? if so look in the mirror and then decide if thats someone who should eat or some one who should diet, remember food is essential to your survival so as long as you know it is good for you then you shouldnt feel bad, if you are really skinny then why should you be starving yourself just eat stuff and taste it and how good it is! if you are really bad ask a parent or doctor, im sure there is medication you can take to give you your apetite!


  17. ask for help before it gets too bad... try therapy, you shouldn't be ashamed of your body, and if you want to change your appearance in that way, you shouldn't starve yourself, there are other ways to acomplish that,  and i know, you don't feel all to good when you eat, but that's why you should probably get help, before you get worse, and you shouldnt hate yourself or your body.

  18. It's more mental than physical

    Answer this please:

  19. ask for help before it gets worse /uncontrollable, tell a parent, it has to be someone thats able to get you help

  20. see a doctor !!! im sure anythign that u already have can be changed if u see a doctor right awway ! seek help . and just know , even if u feel liek nobody loves u including urself, jesus always does =) no matter wat u look liek or what body shape u have

  21. Hunni you really need to stop. You can die if you keep on, it sounds like you are bulimic, and anorexia. You can try eating some things you enjoy, and doing something else while you are so your not thinking about it. Also maybe go out with some friends you have, and have them help you out. hope i helped.

  22. hi, i think you should definitely got to get some help, have you got a school nurse? maybe you could ask them.

    or go to your family doctor they cant tell your parents its confidential.

    maybe even a clinic of some sort, but you have to get help.

    i struggled with depression and i couldn't eat because food became disgusting to me, just the smell of food made me vomit.

    but getting help was hard but it got me through.

    good luck

  23. Please seek help from a counselor and a doctor right away! Don't let this get any worse. You know what happened to Karen Carpenter. You need help because you are worth it!

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