
I think ironing is bad for the environment and should be banned. But how much electicity will the UK save?

by Guest44658  |  earlier

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While we are at banning Tungsten bulbs, why not irons as well, get one up on the Aussies. I think ironing is an unnecessary waste of time and energy. Creased should be the new smart. Any environmentalist out there?




  1. I totally agree with u and believe we should all united and throw away our irons save time and electricity (lol it has nothing to do with the fact ironing is my least fav bit of housework)

  2. i dont know about bad for the environment but i do agree that it is a waste of time. i hardly ever iron anything as the creases will fall out eventually as you wear it so whats the point. the only things that need ironing are shirts and thats all that i will iron.

  3. Right on! If everybody starts doing it wrinkled clothes can be the new fashion fade.....oh yeah & energy conservation blah blah:-)

  4. OMG, I agree totally. Wish I had thought of it myself.  I am now green and creased for life

  5. Should ironing be banned? Definitely, of all the household chores it's the one I hate the most and do the least.  If everyone wore creased clothes it would become the norm and no-one would bat an eyelid.  Excellent idea.

    How much electicity will the UK save? About 1.1 billion KiloWatt hours per year or £124 million (iron uses 50 kWh/yr, 22 million households in the UK, average domestic cost per kWh = £0.11271).

    Sounds a lot but compared to overall totals it's only a very small amount - less than 1% of domestic electricity consumption, less than 0.2% total elec consumption, less than 0.05% total energy consumption.

  6. Great question. Don't know exactly how much energy would be saved but fantastic idea. Oh and by the way i never iron anything - Jeans Tshirts e.t.c are fine not ironed the crease come out of them with body heat. If i gotta wear a nice shirt i just hang it in the bathroom while showering the steam presses it with no real effort. Also the trick is never to tumble dry your clothes always let them dry naturally - take them out of the washer staright away shake them and hang.

  7. Nice sentiment.  One down side is that in the tropics there are species of fly that lays eggs in clothing.  Once the eggs hatch, the maggot burrows into the skin and enjoys the fresh meat and warmth a person provides.

    Ironing is the only reliable way of destroying the eggs.

    Your idea may work in the temperate zones, but better to have creases in the tropics.

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