
I think it's all a sign were doomed.?

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I've read all through, and so many theries lead up to the world ending soon. That wierd my calendar stuff, Planet X c**p, and very religious peole saying our time is near, be prepared, and the Notrer Damis thing where if a black president is elected that's a signt he world is ending, and how all of his other predictions are right. Can you help me, but also share you opinions, because I hear so many people say different things.




  1. Of course we're all doomed!

    Nothing and nobody lasts forever.

    We just don't, (and can't),  know when.

    These 'end of the world prophesies' have been popping up, and disappointing their believers for

    thousands of years.

    First millenuim....ooops sorry

    Year 2000....ooops sorry

    Year 2001... ooops sorry

    Some people just like the attention they can get with this nonsense.

    Ignore their cr*p and get on with your life.

  2. The world has been "ending" any minute now for about 100,000 years.

    All predictions have been wrong (I think).

    But, who knows, maybe the next one AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    I suggest that we all run screaming into the streets.

    It won't help, but it's good cardiovascular exercise.

  3. You have read the wrong stuff. Read something logical, not silly c**p. None of Nostradamus' predictions were correct really. Most are vague and charaltans interpret them after the fact to make it seem as if he predicted things centuries in advance, but more logical people see it is all nonsense. I bet you $1000 that the world will last at least 5,000,000,000 more years. I suggest that you study and see what the Mayan calendar is really like.

  4. People have been predicting the end times since practically the beginning of time (ok, I know for sure for the last hundred years or so). If you're that worried, live life well so you won't regret it.

  5. "Signs" have nothing to do with philosophy. If you wish to call yourself a mystic and go in for what ever mysticism floats your boat, be my guest. But "signs" don't fit into epistemology, and they certainly are not metaphysical.

  6. It's not that we are all doomed but rather everyone is thinking we are all doomed. Everyone used to think that the world was flat as well.

    There are myths and conjectures bound about; when, where, who, what, & why we are doomed but I disagree with a good percentage of that. I think that we are headed for the end of these times as we know it but not doomed. The evil will be doomed but when? We don't know!

    This world cannot continue the way it is going, and sooner or later it is all going to come crashing down on us. We don't know when but we will know it as the end draws to a close. We will know the beginning of the end but we don't know about it now.

    The Mayan Calander, the Nostradamus predictions, and the "New Age" cults that run amock these days are for now, "money makers".

    The only prophecy that I rely on is that of the Bible. The books of the old testament and the new testament have a great deal to say about the end of our reign on earth. They do not say it is the end of mankind. The books do not say that the world will end. What the books say is that we will go through a great tribulation and come to an Armegeddon war, but at the split second when we come to the point of no return of totally destroying mankind in all it's entirety ... God will step in and restore all of us. He will rid us of the evil we now know, and usher in a reign of His own that is free of the evil we live in now.

    That is what is going to come to an end. The reign of men in our own evil, not the world. So acutally the only worthwhile prophecy is that of the Holy Bibles books. Like Isaiah, Ezekeil, and Daniel as well as Revelation. They tell of terrible times to come but they also speak of the end of those terrible times and the beginning of a great life here on earth. There is a grand and good ending to the prophecies of the Holy Bible, where there is none that I know of in any other predicitons.

    Yes there will be an end. But the end of the world as we now know it will be the beginning of a world you will find hard to imagine.

    A world where your daughter, sister, mother can walk the streets late at night without a single fear from rape, robbery, or death. A world where we don't need locks on our car doors, or houses. Life will have a deep meaning for one and all and the streets will be clean. No panhandlers, or bums to navigate through on the city streets. Storefronts will lose their security cameras and when they lock up at night it will be to make sure the wind doesn't blow open the doors but not to keep people out of the store. No one is going to be stealing anything so why bother with locks?

    This will be a world where the ozone layers will be mended and the pollution will disapear, and the smog will drift off into space. But hospitals will only have rooms for accidents and cancers as well as other viruses will be non existant! I know it's hard to imagine but think about it please.

    If God was here now in front of us would this world be at war? Would the Pope and the Anglicans be at odds in religious fervour?

    The Jim Jones of the world would disapear with the smog and we would actually have a King to run the planet with perfect wisdom in all things and a head of the world that can actually give concrete answers to our moral dilemas these days. Is it right to abort? Can I sleep sexually with one of my own s*x? Do we kill our murderers for punishment or something else? What? What is right definitivly and what is wrong.

    That would be the world to follow this one. Just as soon as the world we know now comes to an end. And I for one believe it will happen one day. I don't know when, but I do know that we can't keep going on the way we are now, not with out dire consequences.

  7. As you get older you'll realize that there's always some nutter saying the world is about to end.  Take it with a pinch of salt, they really are all mad you know.  The last asteroid bombardment event occurred about 4500 years ago, so the next one is probably a while off yet, as the extinction level event incidence appears to be every 32 million years.  If there is going to be an end to life on this planet, it will almost certainly be man made; highly probable from in the US.

    They're all free you know!  They are being lied to as well!

  8. Why would anyone want to read a story from the end first? Maybe these predictions are for your conscious awakening just to remind you to live your life one day at a time and in each day learn all you can about your surroundings. and write for history.

  9. Okay that is all Bull####


    They dont knwo when the time is "Near"

    Only God Knows

    and Theyve Predicted The Y2K Problem


    Theyve Predicted The 6/6/06


    They now Predicted the2008!


    The Mayan Calender Is just ANOTHER EXCUSE!

    Live you life WHILE YOU HAVE IT!

    i PROMISE you, you will not die in 2012


  10. We do have the ability to see those signs but only that according to the holy book, either its Qur'an or the bible or whatever. But just admit it people, that we DONT HAVE THE ABILITY to tell when the end will be. How dare those mystique people saying that the time is 'near'?!! ONLY GOD KNOWS and that if u have faith in Him, i can say that coz i have faith in my Allah. Its not like we're freaking out because of that, its because we believe there will be an end. So, u like it or not, there will be an END. Now its just the matter of time that only God knows when. And for us humans, lets just think when our time will come to an end. Humans dont live forever. Dont bother filling ur mind thinking way far about when the time will come to the end of the world, just make it even simple, think about what we do before we die. Both really rely in God's will. My personal suggestions for u, just live ur life n make as much as goodness while u still have time no matter what faith u have n believe in ur heart.

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