
I think it's time to tell my 6 1/2 year old he has autism. Can anyone recommend a good book for his age level

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I've looked on Amazon but have only seen books to teach kids who don't have it about classmates w/ autism. He has 2 friends w/ autism and their parents have told them. My son is very astute and mature. I'm sure he realizes he's "different" from most kids. Both of his friends had already seemed to sense they were when their parents told them. They both even said, "so that's whey I'm different".




  1. I am curious as to why you haven't told him already.  I am assuming from your details that he is considered high functioning.  Is your son in public school, or do you homeschool him?  If he does attend public school, is he in special ed classes of part of the day, or is he integrated into the mainstream school population?  I guess i would assume he is either mainstreamed or homeschooled, since if he was in special ed classes he would obviously know there was a reason and what that reason is.  I would just tell him, since it is nothing to be ashamed of, just be there to support him, as i am sure you already do, and talk with him about any questions.  If it would be easier to have him to talk to an outside party to it, you could always have a conversation with your family doctor and get support that way as well.


    Good, I am so glad you did not take offense.  I have worked with autistic kids for years, while I don't claim to know it all, I do have some insights that can be helpful, sometimes.  It is unfortunate that you have been unable to find a book that deals with this aspect of autism.  This suggestion might seem like a huge undertaking, but maybe it would be beneficial to both you and your son to do some research on autism and write a childrens book together that deals with talking to autistic kids about autism.  It seems like something that could greatly benefit your son but a large number of other families, and it would be something that BOTH of you could feel proud of.  Good luck to you!

  2. I have a 15 year old son with high functioning autism and he did not find out until he was eleven and asked ``Do I have autism?`` He was okay with that. I do not think you need a big ``moment`` to tell him. It might be too traumatic. From my experience the less they know while in elementary school the better. Only when they are older and have to start coping with things themselves do they need to know.

    By then he will have the self-esteem to think ``So I have autism. Look at what I accomplished without even knowing I had a disability!``

    I think our society overestimates how much young children really need to know.

  3. Hello,

    I am happy to hear that you are going to talk to your son about his autism at an early age. I think it is so so important for kids who are "different" to be able to know why, and to know that those differences are wonderful.

    I have asperger syndrome, and I went all through school never having been diagnosed, always knowing that I was different, but because I was so high functioning, everyone tried to tell me that I was just the same as everyone else, or everyone was different and everyone was special...or some nonsense like that. No, I knew it was more, and it would have been so helpful to have that label!

    I went through years of searching until I finally discovered for myself about Aspergers and how that's the life I had been living all along. I recently published a book, Raging Horrormoans, which is more about my experiences in Junior High School, and my reflections on those, but it might be interesting for you.

    I also have a bunch of other resources on my website. You can feel free to take a look.

    Good Luck, and I just really want to applaud you for taking the step to create an open communication with your son about his autism.


  4. The place to look is the AAPC (autism asperger's publication company)  It is

    Try This is Asperger's Syndrome or

    I am utterly unique

    branofwi- I have serious doubts that this poster works with spectrum kids based upon the first sentence of why haven't you told him before now.  Obviously, this person has little spectrum knowledge.  Even NT's (neurotypicals) believe autism to be contagious through 8 yrs old.  When you think concretely how could you possibly grasp something so abstract

    If you feel your son is ready to understand then I am sure he is and also very high functioning.  My son does not know and he is going to be 8.  My son knows he is "different" and asks about it and we explain that.

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