
I think it is terrible how gas is going up and no one is doing anything about it.?

by  |  earlier

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How do we stop the gas prices go to htt:// enter info let congress know how y feel about the gas prices.




  1. Exactly what do you want done about it and who do you want to do it?

    You want the congress of the United States to set retail prices?  They can't even show up for meetings.

    How about everybody start parking their cars and not driving two days out of every week.

    I guaran-d**n-tee you that if 200 million drivers cut their gas usage by not driving two days every week, gas prices would go down.

    But nobody wants to do that, because they have to go to the MALL.

  2. there is one way to stop the price down Evey body has to  stop driving and take the train are bus to work so that way the gas will go down

  3. you tell um girl

  4. yup, supply and demand.

    people still keep buying gasoline.  there is no incentive to lower the price, and there is no need to.

    once people reduce gasoline consumption, then prices will fall bcs the oil companies will want to move product and entice you to buy it.

  5. Well, if we could do anything about it, we would. I for one work 17miles from home. That doesn't really allow me to ride a bicycle to work. I do what I can. But I still fill up once a week. But I don't go to the mall on my day off and by bringing my lunch to work with me, I don't have the need to drive off to the nearest restaurant on my break.

    What are you doing about it?

  6. when everybody uses less gasoline and starts conserving the prices will drop

    hasn't happened yet, so the prices will go up

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