
I think it may be a shadow ghost in my photo!?

by  |  earlier

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When taking photos of my dog, I accidently pressed the button before I had the camera in place. I couldn't see anything on the lounge, but when looking at the photo I could see a dark mist sitting next to me.

I am happy to email the photo to people, as I would really like to get others thoughts on this photo. I did not get any ill feelings being in the room, but did feel a bit spooked being home alone at night :) If anyone would like to have a look at it for me, you can post info here or contact me on




  1. can you email  it to me please if not through my profile, by the way why don't you just post  a link :S it would save you the trouble

  2. I'd be glad to take a look, email it to me at

  3. i would love to look at but am not comfortable giving out my email on here i think i will contact you later

  4., E-mail it to me. I would like to look at it.

  5. Email it to me then I will get back to you on it.

  6. i would like to see it but i am computer ignorant.

    is there any way you can post the picture and put a link in your edit so we can just click and look at it.

  7. Slide it on

  8. send it to me

  9. Id love to see it.

  10. I would love to look at your photo and tell you what I think.

  11. please email the picture to me. id like to see it.

  12. i don't want to spook you, but you might have a paranormal companion

  13. i emailed you with my address requesting that photo... sounds very interesting!!

    it might be your spirit guide, or one of them, who was in the photo, letting you know it's there, but i don't think i've heard of a spirit guide manifesting as a dark shadow... normally anything dark is bad, but not necessarily all the time.


    Please send it to me , i'd like to see it and get spooked=D i luv gettin scared=D

  15. I would love to see it.

    I just got some new photo software and we have a person coming Friday night who is a 20 year veteran in photo analysis to explain a photo I sent so he should be able to give yours a look too.


    email it to me and i will take a look 4 u :)

  17. I would love to see it as well.

  18. wow, thats creepy

  19. Cool, I want to see the photo.


    I wouldn't get too a head of myself though.  Any chance you've got dark hair?  You'd be surprised out odd just a few stray hairs over a lens can look in a photo.

    I've got one of my dog actually, where I was looking down to take her pic.  Some of my hair fell down into the shot, and low and behold, looks like an odd light streaking across the picture.  

    Just trying to send a tip here.  Always try to rule out the practical before you hit the supernatural.

  21. Why don't you post it online so everyone can see it?

  22. Cool I would like to see it.

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