
I think it should be "illegal" (not really) to watch the HP films before reading the books, anyone agree?

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My sister LOVES the Harry Potter films but REFUSES to read the books. She's 11 years old, not a fan of reading (although these books are not that hard), and ALWAYS asks questions about the movies, because she doesn't get them sometimes, because they leave things out, like a lot of important things. I say, "Read the books. They're better," and she still says no and just continues to watch the films, which don't really give the story as well. Does this annoy anyone? I mean, to get the books better, you'd have to have read the books since the books are way better, right?

P.S. I'm a lot older than her, I'm 15 and a half.




  1. I agree wholeheartedly with the person who suggested reading them to her. If she doesn't want to finish them herself after hearing how good it is, then she may just never be a reader. It's awful when that happens, but it does. Not everyone can love books as much as us bookworm folk.=)

    I hope she picks them up and reads them though, she'll realize what shes been missing!

  2. I agree 100%! The movies are awesome but that's only because they bring the books to life, after you have read them. Watching just the movies will completely mess up the books because you will know everything that happens, and the movies all gloss over some really cool parts that only the books have.

    But if your sister has already seen the movies then it is already too late. They should have a quiz where you have to answer a question on the book before you are allowed to watch the movie.

  3. Yes, it annoys me too. Just read the stupid book!!!! haha just kidding its not stupid. the books are WAAY better than the movies. but i like the movies too!

  4. ok ill be honest i saw the first five films before the books there i said it! but after realising that ill have to wait til may to see part 2 of the 7th book i figured id read them all! i borrowed the first book of my sister i read the first chapter then the next and then another until before i knew it i read the whole book and thought it was amazing!!!! i loved it!! then i asked my sister for the rest of the books and within a week i had read all of them! i loved them all and couldn't believe i never read them before! i definitely think people should read the books before the movies but some people aren't fans of reading. i am and i'm trying to get my book published and its hard when your only 15 year sold but you never know maybe one day the same question will be asked about my books! that would be freakin AWESOME!!!!

  5. I personally believe in reading the book before watching the movie. There is no movie that has been made from a book that is better than the actual book. Books let you get creative with the characters' appearances. Plus, not everything that happens in the book is in the movie like Nearly Headless Nick's birth(death)day party.

    It is your sister's decision to read the books and I don't think you should force it upon her to read them. When she finishes them, it will seem less satisfactory.  

  6. it's really annoying when someone won't read the books, but pester you to tell them the gaps, just refuse to fill in the gaps for he,r and say something like. "if you had read it you would understand"

  7. She is missing out on a lot by not reading the books. They give a lot more detail and tell more than the films. But she might like different types of books more.

  8. Yeah I agree.

    I've read all the books and managed to have read each on before it's film came out, which really helped me understand the film and sometimes vice versa. Maybe it's just me, but I really like to have read something then see how different people interpret the authors thoughts and ideas. It's definitely better to read books first though, they're way more exciting and plus they last much longer.

    Perhaps you could offer to read the books with her?

    But unfortunately it's just like that. Some people prefer to watch the films, some people prefer books and some just like both or aren't fussed. Depends who you are really. Maybe she'll read them when she's older.

  9. No comment...Some of my friends preferred watching the movie rather than reading the book...They said that you can understand better in the movie than in books...I think it depends on the person...But for me, I watch the movie first then read it...But in the last two books, I read the book first so now I know what will happen...


  10. ok I'm not sure about this, i watched the fist 2 movies before reading any books, i loved the movies and understood the..

    I was then convinced to read the books as information in the books is left out in the films. (ive read all of them now, sooo good!)

    i then re watched 1+2 and the following 3 and well i wasn't happy. i think because you know what to expect after reading the books if it doesn't happen or is changed it feels wrong? but b4 i had read the books they seemed fine, because i didn't know anything was different or missing.

    hope that  made sense, couldn't think how to word it properly lol

  11. With some books I prefer to watch the movie first. Usually it's the books that are better than the movie that I will see the movie first. The reason for this is so I can enjoy the movie. If I read the book first I will just be criticizing the movie when I watch it. It allows me to enjoy the movie for what it is and get surprise extra details from the book.  

  12. well you can't make them because they might just be happy watching the films

  13. Hear Hear!! The ppl who only watch the movies and not the books dont get alot of stuff cause they leave alot out of the movie!!  

  14. There's nothing you can do about it; I have plenty of friends who prefer film adaptations of books rather than the books themselves.

    I guess they prefer to see the drama and theatrics rather than imagine it. Which you might think is strange, but is more common than you think.

    I mean, I prefer to watch Pride & Prejudice and Bridget Jones's Diary than read them.

  15. i pretty much agree. i started reading HP when it first came out. ( I was in 4th grade) and i never had a problem reading them. They leave out way too much stuff in the movies. The books are way better but i guess you just can't convince everyone.

  16. I totally agree with Nick (37 minutes ago) that the books are a 'can't- put-down' read. The writing is not, to my mind, talking down to children in simple sentences -- as I suspected before I read the books. Yes, I dismissed them totally as literature (I am a retired magazine editor and newspaper journalist) and admittedly a snob about my choice of reading materials. However, two pages into the first HP book and I was hooked -- in spite of myself. What a wild ride! What a fast-paced, literate adventure. Ok, the films are fun; but the books? No comparison!

  17. harry potter is great i enjoyed the books but would never watch the films im far too precise when it comes to adaptations if something i feel was vital was taken out i would have freaked. i would sit there with a pen and paper writing everything down that i didnt like. so you know each to their own but you cant change the fact your sister doesnt like reading.

  18. dude its movie


  19. I know how you feel, my boyfriend is the same. He'll watch the films but doesn't get the details because the books cover so much more. Instead of actually readin them, though, he'll pester me to explain everyhting he doesn't understand.

  20. I disagree. I tried reading the books and found them not to my taste as far as writing style. I even read the first two and half books, hoping they would get better, but they never did, so I decided to stop reading them and enjoy the movies. And I do love the movies -- they're very exciting!

  21. i so agree whit you!!! the books are way better and you can tell your sister to chek the audio books of HP. they are really cool not the same as to read it your self but at least she will get the story line better.

  22. I think it should be illegal, but for a different reason - I think the films are a load of **** and they put me off reading the books for years.

    If the filmmakers had done their job properly, she wouldn't need to ask questions - you shouldn't have to refer to the books in order to understand the films. A good film adaptation sometimes radically diverges from the source book, but it should be able to stand on its own. If you need to read the book to work out the basics of who's doing what to who and why, then it's a badly-adapted film.

    But if she doesn't like reading, she doesn't like reading, and you can't make her. Don't expect her to be a mini-you.

  23. I don't like watching a movie based on a book until I read the book, and my Mother made a rule that me and my sisters couldn't watch movies that are based on books until we read the books, but we have a little sister so sometimes we want to watch a movie based on a book but our younger sister isn't old enough to read the book, so we have to wait until she isn't around to watch it.

  24. Ok, first off I so totally agree.  I consider the movies to be flashcards, they get the gist just without all of the best parts.  What I would suggest is that you read to her from the books.  After the first couple of chapters she will probably want to finish them on her own (Harry Potter is very enticing) and then I would suggest after her finishing the book she watch that movie again and then you guys discuss the differences noted (you can be a very big help to push her into reading).  But I do whole heartedly agree, the movies could not hold a candle to the books.  Especially the later, longer books, they just could not include all of the hilarious parts that make the books so enjoyable.  You don't even get Peeves, and without the part where Peeves runs after Umbridge hitting her with McGonagall's cane the 6th Movie is just lacking.  

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