
I think its anorexic!?

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Ok so i've had this hermit crab for about a year now and it still hasnt changed its shell. It doesnt eat alot at all but i dont know if that has anything to do with the fact that the sand is calcium sand. its active and stuff but if it doesnt eat is there something wrong?

(my other hermit crab was like that and it lived for over 2 and a half years)




  1. i think its eating the sand with it

  2. Whoa! Get another crab fast! These creatures CANNOT live alone. O_O Also, dont put them on top of the refridgerator :[

  3. It really depends on the type of hermit crab you have as to how often they will change shells. Certain types are more active or "friendly," while other types tend to be a little more secluded and dont change shells that often.  If your crab isnt eating at all, then i would be concerned.  If it is just that you aren't seeing it eat and you arent watching them 24hrs a day, I wouldnt worry about them. you could try giving them hermit crab treats, or peanutbutter to see if that stimulates their appitite.  Also check the temperature of their habitat and the moisture/humidity levels of the hab & sand.  I really dont think that the calcium sand would make the crab not want to eat.
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