
I think its good etiquette to just punch someone stupid when they go like "no offense, but..." Don't you ??

by  |  earlier

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.......because EVERYTIME they say that they'll say something REALLY OFFENSIVE




  1. I agree completely.  Equally bad is "Don't take this the wrong way, but..."  Like what would be the RIGHT way to take some f'd up, backhanded insult?  As a complement?

  2. Instead of punching them, you should throw a boiling pot of macaroni and cheese at their face.  

  3. lol it's horrible ettiquette but it would feel really great to slug everyone who begins an extremely offensive statement with that. when my mom was a kid, she said people would say, "With all due respect..." then whatever followed would be extremely offensive and disrespectful.  

  4. The phrase "no offense" is pointless for that exact reason. I can't stand it when people say it. They may as well just blurt out whatever offensive thing they're going to say without the worthless "no offense, but..." in front of it.

    But punching someone in the face is never good etiquette. (I'll just assume you were exaggerating when you say that. XD)

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