
I think its time to officially blow the whistle on ABC news.?

by  |  earlier

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ABC news was in Iraq. They interviewed 50 soldiers and asked them who they would vote for. 40 said McCain, 7 said Obama, and 3 said Clinton. By the time their segment aired what do you think made the cut? The 7 that said Obama and the 3 that said Hillary. This is manipulative and should not be tolerated! I call a boycot on ABC, and those who are with me wont miss much (with their crappy shows and picture quality) What do you think? Who's with me?




  1. Please cite supporting references for your allegation.


  2. You should not expect ABC or any other liberal news organization to post anything acurately. They never have and never will. I would have been surprised to have found out that they were actually in Iraq. I watch only Fox for anything near the truth.

  3. I think you should add CNN and MSNBC to the list as well... I guess you can call the trio the 'Obama network' (at least it would eliminate some confusion).

    kind of ironic: FOX news had the 'most fair and balanced' media coverage of the Democratic primary... hahaha

  4. As bad as ABC is, and they are bad, CNN, CBS and MSNBC do stuff like this every day.

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