
I think mark martin will win the cup in 2009 because he is with hendrick?

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what do u think of this statement do u agree or disagree and why?




  1. Not a chance....   he's had all the chances in the world and hasn't been able to do it....

  2. finish the 2008 season before you even begin to fathom what will happen next yr,,

    already hyping the stewart-haas teams, which should do well, but have not yet established anything,,

    anything can happen in motorsports to anyone and usually does,,

    take the 18 car for instance,, did really good with jarrett and labonte,, not too well for yeley,, and now look what the heck kyles doing ,,

    also look at the 5  did good for terry labonte, and decent with busch,, but mears sucks and wont amount to much,, ill be suprised if he makes 2 more yrs in that ride

  3. You never know but I kind of doubt it! He will be with a great team and great teammates but I don't see him winning the championship but hey stranger things have happened!

  4. I disagree.  Mark's best opportunity to win the cup was when he drove for Jack Roush.

    Mark Martin is the best NASCAR driver to never win the "Winston/ Nextel/ Sprint/ Whatever Cup".  That's nothing to be ashamed of.  I love Mark, but I don't believe that he can win the title at this stage in his career.  I'd love to see him win it, but would also hate to see him be disappointed again.

  5. nope  he is old and washed up he needs to become an owner or somthing but i like poeple answer question just to get points (#18) get real, dont be fake to get pionts

  6. "i think mark martin will win the cup in 2009 because he is with hendrick."

    i think that statement is what you think, and you have every right to think it. and i also think it's not a bad thought. i'd like to see mark martin win a cup or at least a daytona 500 before finally retiring for the final time. i don't think it will happen, but it'll be fun to watch him try.

  7. disagree, he just doesn't have it anymore, I hate to say it but age is a huge factor... look at my old favorite driver Rusty Wallace, he sucked big time there in the end and left knowing he just didn't have it anymore, mark just needs to hang up that helmet once & for all, he's had a great career but it is time for him to go...

  8. No chance.  Sorry.

  9. Hate to say it but NO..there are 42 others  drivers hungry for the cup title championship that are more aggressive, Martin will be with a great team but i predict that Martin will not win the cup!..sorry just opinion

  10. Should of joined Gibbs.

    Haha, no. Martin's gonna have one of the best chances if not the best chance he's ever had at winning the Championship he's ever had. Personally, I think his luck's gonna get in the way again. If one thing didn't happen to him in a season to end his chances it was another, and it always happened.

  11. I agree with you. I honestly believe that you think that. But that's O.K.

  12. no save it for rousch or gibbs

  13. disagree. he was in top notch equipment all those years at rousch and couldn't win it, why would things be different now?

  14. No he wont.  He will have a solid season because he is consistent but he wont win.  Its not as if he spent his career in trash cars and got those results all on his own.  He had some very good cars with Roush and couldn't get it done against a much thinner field.

  15. He is not going to win it because Kyle Busch is going to pull a Jimmie Johnson and win back to back championships, this

    year and next!

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