
I think mcain is going to be your next president. good luck america?

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i hope you guys can fix the economy and maybe end the war in iraq and finally catch bin laden.




  1. So what has Obama actually done that makes you think he can do any of those things.

    Or do you just blindly believe what he says

    17 million new homeowners since Bush was 1st elected.

    Demcrats don't tend to mention that

  2. If McCain wins I am afraid we will continue our decline and become a second rate country with a lot of nukes....

    It is sad but I guess if that is what the majority wants it will be what this country deserves.  

  3. McCain was gonna win regardless---it's his party that makes the voting machines!

  4. while Obama was chanting "change", McCain took his advice, lol.

    He just sealed the election.

    McCain/Palin '08

  5. i gotta lay the weed down

    did i read what i read

  6. if mcain is the next president, NONE of that is going to happen..

  7. good, mcain is who we need, not some person who said he is going to

    "CHANGE" basicly our whole life style in 4 years

  8. yeah...

    if people complained so much about bush, why would they vote for mccain?

    i think it's because most people in the south are still racist and prefer a white man over a black man.

    my dad is one example of a racist.

  9. If McShame is elected, be prepared for:

    -More war

    -Larger deficit

    -Uneducated American students

    -Non-existed middleclass

  10. Buddy at least 14 million of those new home owners have already lost their home due to foreclosure.

  11. Thank you for your kindness and concern. Wish you were here to help spread the word of our great leader and his VP.   Thanks again always.

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