
I think mothers need to start teaching their babies better.. This is getting out of hand, right?

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Standing inline at the grocery store - I caught the eye of a cute little 2 year old sitting in the shopping cart in front of me.. He was a cutey.. I'm a guy so I figured I'd stick my tongue out at him and tease him a little.. Next, he tells me " F " you " B " and turned his head away and turned his back towards me.. A little baby with a attitude now? PLease advise?




  1. And the mother thought nothing of it??? Wow. They must have been trashy people.

  2. Don't take it personally... sadly, that kind of language is apparently all he hears all day. He doesn't have an attitude - he has irresponsible parents. So sad. :(

  3. Yes, that IS ridiculous. I would be incredibly ashamed and embarrassed if that were my child. The truth of the matter is, however, that some parents simply do not care! They think it's cute, or don't see the problem in it because the child is only two years old. It's a sad shame, but the only thing that can be done is to not let your own kids act that way. Hopefully good parenting will somehow rub off on them.  

  4. that is totally disgusting, some parents think its cute and funny just because hes a baby wait til he gets older and starts swearing at them im sure they wont find it so funny then! i totally disagree that it has anything to do with the parents age (babies are having babies) i am 21 with 3 beautiful children and yet my children never swear!!

  5. Babies are having babies...  manners are no longer a prioity and the things we were taught growing up as being wrong (fighting, spitting, name calling etc) are common place and even encouraged by some of todays parents.  

  6. What advise do you need?  You aren't at the grocery store anymore.  A 2 year old who said that picked it up somewhere but had no idea what it meant.

  7. wow, well im a mother and my two year old would never do that! although she would have probably cried if she saw somebody stick the tongue time dont do that lol

  8. i've seen it and my mom would of kicked my a55 for saying something like that. actually she still would lol

  9. I don't buy it

  10. yeah, alot of people nowadays thinks that they shouldm't censor their children because their children will eventually find out. But I think they should leave it like that; the children finding out for themselves, not from their parents. I think that parents should censor their children alot. They don't know that with that kind of attitudem, the child is not going anywhere far in life. I mean, people of course will eventually find out about cussing and stuff, but at such a young age? I don't think so. Parents should try to protect their children's innocence.

  11. lol sorry I had to laugh. Yes if the mother didn't do a thing about it, then thats bad parenting. My kids occasionally swear also, whist I have to hold my laugh, they do get put in timeout. Its unacceptable, but not necessarily the parents fault, as media these days is quite shocking!

  12. OMG...what did the mother say or do??? Holy Moly...I dont know what I would do in that situation, I think I would be so shocked I would be speechless. This is a perfect example of why parents should watch their language in front of their kids. And for them to not do anything about it, well they deserve to have a bad kid growing up and hope they give the parents h**l. Wow, this is totally not exceptable in my thoughts..If I would have said that as a teenager I would have gotten a back hand across my mouth. Geez... I hope the next kid you try to be cute and playful with doesnt give you such a hard time. I promise if you do it to my kid in the future hopfully she will just laugh, no cursing...haha

  13. This goes for BOTH MOTHER AND FATHER

    BOTH need to teach their babies manners. it IS getting out of hand, they think it's cute now, watch in some years they will regret how they taught them....  

  14. It must have been a troll baby. That is a big sentence for a human baby at age 2.

  15. two year olds shouldnt be saying these things its not right i have a two and a half year old and he doesnt talk like this parents should really watch what they say in front of their kids cause they pick it up  very fast  

  16. Where do children learn to talk?  At home.  Unfortunately, this child hears swearing at home....not a good thing.

    Don't hold it against the baby, which I'm sure you didn't.  It just seems he doesn't know it's wrong to say those things, especially if he just said it really casually like that.

    Hopefully those parents will realize what they are doing wrong.

  17. I don't think it is a matter of teaching the babies better. it is a matter of teaching the Parents and other adults around the babies to watch their mouths. My children are rarely exposed to swearing. occasionally my husband or I will get really mad and say S***. my kids know that those words are not nice and as a result they might say "d**n" every once in a while (the older 2 are 8 and 12) but that is it.

    My friend has a 3 year old. she is recently divorced. Her ex-husband always did have a potty mouth, but I found out that the little boy got in trouble at preschool. Something did not work out the way he wanted, so he said "F*** that" like 4 times. I know he did not learn it from his mom...she does not talk like that.

    If it makes you feel youngest is almost 3. If he were standing in the cart facing you he would get shy and hide his face in my chest. The worst thing he would say to you is "go way!". The worst thing HE has done in a store is stick his hand down the front of my shirt and say "ooo nite nite"

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