
I think my 2 month old cousin knows im pregnant?

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since he was born he will be laying on the bed i will go lay next to him. i always us to lay on my side and look at him. now that i am pregnant he always bring his leg over and put his foot on my stomach. sometimes even start to just kick my stomach. do you think he can tell? even with him being so young.




  1. nope...sorry!  At that age, they don't even know when they have to go to the bathroom...

  2. I do believe he can tell yes. Since he's so young he is much closer to the non-human world. He knows more about this stuff since he IS young.

  3. no it doesnt sound like he would even know what prengnacy is hes too young

  4. I would say that is a yes/no kind of answer. Infants know more then most people would expect. They have that kinda "sixth sense" to know things around them that we don't even understand. I am sure the 2mt old feels the presense of another human life but doesn't really understand the concept behind it. I also think that maybe he just really enjoys your belly now and it is probaly really comforting to him since he spent, not to long ago, 9mths in a stomach similar to that. Hope that helps a little

  5. ya probly...young children have this is probably when we get older that we often forget  

  6. I think you are reading to much into that.  I doubt that he knows

  7. how cute!!!!!!!!!! that is so cool that you and you're baby cousin share that're baby and you're cousin will be very close to each other because they have that special bond.congratulations lucky girl!!!!

  8. I don't know if he knows, but my nephew and my daughter are two months apart and sometimes when I'd hold him while I was still pregnant she'd kick him and he would smile so big.. it was like they were playing. Pretty cute.

  9. I don't know.  

  10. I don't know if he actually knows or not, but I do believe that babies can sense things.  It's amazing.

  11. Grat's mommy, children have a way of knowing alot of things, my 4 month old knows when me and his mom kisses and causes a ruckes, and he is in another room. So I dont think I know he does.

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