
I think my Christian faith is he best . but I can't accept saints. Am I an infidel.?

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I accept the saints ( as people Hagios) believers who follow stated in the Bible.( ALL who Follow God/ are saints and believe. ( Come and Follow me ( Christ said)

I never pray for intercessory prayers to saints to pray for me.. I PRAY ONLY TO GOD.. Help me understand.

I believe all die and are in grave until Resurrection as my faith believes.Then Judgment Day for ALL. Thus how can there be saints to pray as intercessors?..( Yes I believe in praying for one another to GOD for those who live / but asking the passed to pray.. Did not Jesus say . Let the Dead bury the Dead?

I pray to God/ The Father/ Son/ Holy Spirit/ YHWH




  1. well, i would ask first if you have looked into all other religions to see if there is one that agrees with your thoughts and beliefs completely. if you have done this, and you still feel that your religion is the one that has the most complete gospel for you, then i would really pray to understand why this teaching is taught, and ask your leaders. sometimes when something doesn't resignate within us it is because we truly cannot full heartdly accept something that we feel or know to be false or to be contradictory. other times it may be because we do not fully understand the principle, why it's done, or how it came about. if you sincerely pray to ask your Father in Heaven in something- He will answer you. He will help you understand, and He will let you know if you are where you belong and learning the correct things about Him.  

  2. Zena,

    I am of Greek lineage, (third generation American), and my parents come from a partial Greek Orthodox background. My grandfather was a missionary to Lebanon, and he served as a Greek Orthodox priest. I now attend a non-denominational, family integrated church, (which my parents also attend), but I love to visit the Greek Orthodox church on occasion.

    There is NO BIBLICAL BASIS for intercessory prayers to those who have died, but rather to the contrary.

    1 Timothy 2:5

    "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus."

    ONE MEDIATOR. Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

    Romans 8:26

    "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express."

    To reiterate what you said: we are ALL saints.

    When we die, we are immediately taken to be with Jesus:

    "Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, while we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord."

    John 14:6

    "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

  3. No, you're not an infidel, just a Protestant.  So far as i know, only Roman Catholics pray to saints.

  4. i don't think that u will have any problem and only the catholics believe in the saints (prey to them) so i will suggest u to go to another church like baptist etc.. and i used to be catholic and for this exact reason i change to baptist i just don't think that saint peter or any other will do something for me .

  5. Jesus was clear when He said " I am the way, the truth, and the live. No one comes to the Father except through Me"

  6. The Bible says not to pray to saints (and anyway the Bible says that all saved believers are saints, including all saved believers alive today, so that makes me a saint).

    We are to pray only to the Lord.

    The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

  7.   There is a book that I highly recommend for anyone interested in the Catholic Church or the Papacy. The name of the book is “Vicars of Christ – The Dark Side of the Papacy”. by Peter De Rosa

      Most people think that the Popes were pretty nice people. Wrong!! The Popes down through history have been very evil men capable of murder at the drop of a hat. There have been married Popes, there have been 13 year old Popes, there have been perverted Popes. Some Popes were caught having s*x with another man’s wife so the men killed the Popes involved. Popes have even owned w***e houses to make money for the church.

      For several hundred years there were 2 and then 3 Popes at the same time. Nobody knew who the real Pope was. There was even a time when the church didn't even have a Pope. And then there is the Pope who everyone still thinks was a woman. She had a baby on the way back to the Vatican.

      This book by Peter De Rosa is so interesting and you’ll be glad you read it. Call your local library and ask them for it. If they don’t have it then ask them to order it from one of their branches. If they can’t do that then go to YAHOO and type in “Vicars of Christ” and find someone who will sell it to you. I know Amazon has it. But remember, it’s called  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœVicars of Christ -The Darkside of the Papacy”. There are several other Vicars of Christ out there but this is the one you want. Goooood book!!!

  8. i think i understand what you're saying.

    first off, you don't need to pray to anyone but Jesus/God. That's why the Holy Spirit was poured out on us, so we could go directly to God without a middle man.

    second, time is relative. just ask the astronaut doing an orbit of the earth. Psalms says man's life is as long as a wisp of smoke. who knows what time is like after death. maybe it's like a blink of an eye. regardless, it's not central to your faith in God. it's just a side detail that no one will know for sure until they experience after death.

    i'm assuming you're directing this to Catholics, but i don't know why you asked if you're an infidel.  

  9. I've never heard a Christian use the term "infidel".  I think it's an Islamic term to describe anti-Islamic people.

    So I don't think you are an infidel.  It sounds as though you are a JW.  If you want to know about intercession and the communion of saints here's a link, but it sounds like your beliefs are alreay very set.  

    The relevant Biblical verses are quoted.  Those who believe there is no biblical basis may want to check them out.  That being said, no one believes that it is neccessary to ask for intercession from anyone other than Christ.  It's just something that you can do, but you don't have to.  So as a Catholic, I'm completely fine with you or any one else not asking for intercession from saints.  God bless!

  10. You don't have to accept the Saints to be a Christian. I'm Christian and our religion doesn't worship Saints. I think that Catholics may hold them in very high esteem, butnot being Catholic, I don't know too much about it.

    There's one God, and He said not to worship any false idols. I pray to Him and Him alone.

  11. I don't really understand what you're saying. Once you die, you either go to heaven or h**l. The same is for Judgment Day, but that's for the living.

  12. Dear, as you said, if evryman who died has gone to grave, then how moses come to see jesus. in the story of lazar and the rich man, jesus is saying that, lazar is sitting with Abraham. Then how you can say that all people are lying in grave.


    As Scripture indicates, those in heaven are aware of the prayers of those on earth. This can be seen, for example, in Revelation 5:8, where John depicts the saints in heaven offering our prayers to God under the form of "golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints." But if the saints in heaven are offering our prayers to God, then they must be aware of our prayers. They are aware of our petitions and present them to God by interceding for us.

    Some might try to argue that in this passage the prayers being offered were not addressed to the saints in heaven, but directly to God. Yet this argument would only strengthen the fact that those in heaven can hear our prayers, for then the saints would be aware of our prayers even when they are not directed to them!

    In any event, it is clear from Revelation 5:8 that the saints in heaven do actively intercede for us. We are explicitly told by John that the incense they offer to God are the prayers of the saints. Prayers are not physical things and cannot be physically offered to God. Thus the saints in heaven are offering our prayers to God mentally. In other words, they are interceding.

    Above all, sit infront of JESUS. Ask him to teach you the truth...

    Praise The Lord...

    God Bless You...

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