So I have a guinea pig (obviously). I just got her like a month ago, and when i first got her she was really shy and i expected that. Now i can pick her up with no problem and she doesn't really care. But when she is in her cage she runs around the cage in circles, then she will stop and jump and twitch pretty violently. Then she will start running around again. But when she twitches it looks like she doesn't expect to twitch, like it scares her when she does. At first i just thought it was because she was trying to find ways to entertain herself. So i put a big cardboard tube thing in there for her to play with, she has some chew toys, and a little fresh snack holder thing that i put stuff on for her, i also take her out for an hour or more each day and let her explore the floor and run around in her ball. So my question is, whats wrong with her? Why does she twitch?