
I think my Thyroid may be off. What is high and what is low and should I be concerned...even a little bit?

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One of my doctors suggested I have blood work done to test my thyroid. The results were mailed to me: TSH 1.06 [0.27-4.20] mcIU/mL I think I may be on the low side what concerns should I have? Thyroid problems run in my family. When should you consider medication? What would it do? I can't get any straight answers from doctors or websites.




  1. Your levels should be between 0.3 and 3.0. You are perfect. But you might want to have your doctor test for T3 and free T4, just to be certain.

  2. Beware internet sights concerning thyroid problems.  There are some people out there with a real ax to grind - and others with products they want to sell.

    I have hypothyroidism and my doctor told me that generally a normal range for TSH is .3 to 3 (I can't remember the scale).  Anyway, 1.06 would be in the normal range if your doc/lab is using the same scale.  That said, if you are experiencing symptoms that concern you, get checked again and INSIST that the test results be fully explained to you.  That is your right as a patient.

    The thyroid is soooo important in all your life functions.  When in doubt, check it out!!!

  3. Your TSH is normal and not low.

    The TSH or thyroid stimulating hormone is produced by the pituitary gland and acts on the thyroid to make it produce another hormone called thyroxine.

    If the TSH is too high, that means the thyroid gland is not producing its usual quota of thyroxine (which is why the TSH is high - trying its best to kick the thyroid back into action).  

    You do not necessarily need to have a thyroid problem just because it runs in your family. However, a swelling on the front of your neck above your Adam's apple (that becomes prominent when you swallow) is a thyroid swelling or goitre and indicates the need for thyroid testing.

    If no such swelling appears, you could still visit your endocrinologist once a year and do annual TSH testing. You'll need treatment only  if the TSH is above the normal range for the test.

    In this situation, the treatment is a daily replacement dose of L-Thyroxine (also called Eltroxin) taken in the mornings when you wake up. Being a hormone that is normally produced by your body, it has no side-effects, and will allow the TSH to go back to normal. Treatment is often lifelong.

  4. Low thyroid makes you feel cold in the afternoon, gain weight, sleepy, losing hairs, and depression with some digestive problems.  Your blood level is slightly low but you did not give your age! as with aging thyroid function deceases!

    You can get "natural thyroid" products from Standard Process company from Wisconsin instead of going for "Thyroid Drug" which are too strong for you.

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