
I think my beta was overfed?

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My aunt accidentally dumped wayyy too many pellets into my Beta's tank today, and forgot to tell me. I got a lot of them out now, but it's been a few hours and I noticed his belly is bulging.

It looks like this:

What should I do? Not feed him for a couple days, or what?




  1. dont feed him for like two days. My son poured all the fish food in the tank and my fish went crazy and ate way to much food. My cat fish looked pregnant lol just skip a couple days he will be ok.

  2. He's just bloated from waaaayyy too much food.  That happens with bettas cause they dont always know when enough is enough which is why we have to be the ones to keep them from having too much.  Unfortunetly for you someone didn't know better.  But don't fear!  Most of the time when this happens, the betta recovers just fine.  Skip a feeding for a day or two and should notice the belly shrink pretty fast.  If after a couple days it hasn't gone down, he could be constipated, in which case try feeding him a deshelled and blanched pea but like half of it.

  3. Change the water, vacum the gravel in case there is uneaten food in there that will rot and pollute the water.

    Not feeding the fish for a couple of days is probably a good idea too.


  4. it happens to my fish when it eats too much.

    nothing to worry about.

    it'll be gone in a few hours.

  5. is there any left over food?  he just might have a full stomach.

  6. I have had many Betas in the past and recently learned as my nephew got a Beta from a friend and you are only suppose to fed them three days a week. My nephew's Beta gets fed on Sun, Tues and Thurs. and the thing has lived longer than any of mine did.

    I would wait a couple of days and see of the bloating look goes down.

  7. yeah that's called dropsy and can result in death.

    Get medicine called melafix  

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