
I think my betta fish died.. because he hasnt looked good for a while now.. and he is on the bottom..?

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and isnt breathing...but dont bettas float when they die?




  1. well sorry to say but it died so i would just dig up dirt and put it in there or flush it down the toilet

  2. RIP little fishie. Ours didn't really float when he died. He kind of hung out sideways under the surface.

  3. If you doesn't move when you tap the glass he will when you try to net him.

    Another typical sign of death is loss of color or an over all dullness to the color.

    I recently thought my Betta, Rupert, was dead after having the air conditioner turned on for a few days. Turned out that he was too cold and was conserving energy by resting on the bottom. He was fine after I moved his bowl to a warmer room in the house.

    I don't know what your set up was, but Bettas need heaters to be truly happy/healthy.

    I'm sorry about you Betta.

    *here's hoping he was just cold*

  4. I actually just went through this about a week ago. I didn't know if my betta was dead or just hanging out like usual cause he wasn't moving, just sitting on the bottom... like you described. And so i tapped on the tank and kinda moved it around... it's sad. I had my betta for 4 years. So I know how you feel. Good luck!

  5. touch him and see

    use a bamboo skewer if you want

    fish dont always float

  6. Not typically tap the side of the glass bowl or acrylic whatever you have him in and see if he moves.  Sometimes they sit on the bottom.

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