
I think my betta has pop eye!?

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I am sure my betta has pop eye. It is my fault for delaying on changing his water. I have some questions. Let me list the things I have in my tank (it will help i think)

A box filter

ghost shrimp

aquarium plant

10 gallon tank

75-80 f


And awnser these questions:

Is pop eye fatle?

How can I treat it and if medicenses were do i get them?

How long will treatment be?

(Also he has a redish irritation under his right swolen eye ) *1 is swolen.




  1. Check this link, it covers pretty much all betta diseases, just scroll down to get to pop eye. There's a pic too. It should give you what you need! And if you catch it early, it is not fatal. So calm down.

    Good Luck!!

  2. ok to your first question YES popeye is fatal if left untreated, 2 you need to immediately begin treatment with melafix or premafix, 3 use the medicine for about 10 days or until it is entirely gone and, 4 the melafix should heal up that redish irritation on his eye as well.....

    hope your betta gets better soon!

  3. Just as the soup n**i said, melafix/pimafix/betta fix are actually not good for bettas or other labrynth organ fish. The oils from the tree can actually coat their organs and suffocate them.

  4. pop eye is i think fatal and you cn treat it with melafix. with melafix the treatment would last for 3 days.

  5. ya there is medicine for them.they get that because the water is dirty and it has been infected.clean the water more often.and a 10 gallon is kinda huge.making water changes will be harder move it into something smaller so water changes are easier.

    pop eye is OFTEN not fatal if can get medication from local pet stores.just keep water clean and keep treatment up and the fish should be healthy in no time.

    learn to read people

  6. No, pop eye is not fatal, especially if you've got good conditions like you do.  The filtered, heated tank is key.  Start with a water change, then remove any activated carbon from the filter, and begin treatment immediately.  Things like Melafix and Pimafix, which are already almost useless against infections, are even less useful against pop eye, as it is an internal issue, meaning these fake medications won't even reach it.  Treatment with Maracyn, Maracyn TC, Triple Sulfa, or Trisulfa would be a MUCH better choice.  Treat exactly as the packaging suggests.

    If using Maracyn TC or any other tetracycline based medication, keep the tank dark, as it degrades with exposure to light.  Regardless of the medication you choose, remove the shrimp, as it will not do well with the treatment.

  7. yes it's fatal

    go get some maracyn plus (i used this, it works really good) at a petstore, they sell it pretty much everywhere, even walmart i think

    it tells you on the bottle

    & make water changes, like at least 50%. because you have bad water!

    and don't forget to siphon(vacuum) out the waste stuck in the gravel.

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