
I think my boyfriend has OCD, help?

by  |  earlier

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He's always been fussy, it's starting to worry a bit too much & people keep asking me if there's sumin wrong with him. Iuno if he just likes to be tidy & organised or is he too obsessed?

1st of all he can't stand it when nothing's in order, like before I was looking through his video games & I put them back, he freaked & was like you haven't put them in the right order so I was like 'kay sorry & he snatched them off me & stroked the covers O.O He always polish' his things all the time, if there's one place out of order it brings him down & bugs him in till it's back in place.

He can't stand being dirty, even if there's like a speck on him he goes mad & is down in till that speck has gone. He spends hours in the shower & will only use a certain sope & shampoo he won't use any others. Some times he won't even touch walls in case it's dirty.

He won't go into public toilets, he won't even set a foot in there. He'll only use his toilet or mine, he won't even use his grans!

This behaver is starting to scare me, he never used to be like he used to jump in mud puddles, but now some times he won't even walk on grass, it just gets worse & worse, am scared one day he won't even touch me :( Even some times when he walks into my room he'll automatically tidy things

Please help!




  1. Well, these are very classic symptoms of OCD, this usually happens over a period of time where the brain's functions get worse and worse... You will need to sit down with your boyfriend and tell him how it is. This may be hard for both you and your partner but, he needs to know and you need to help him.

    Unfortunately, there is only one proven way of getting rid or 'calming' the symptoms down; that is therapy, go see your local therapist and see whether your partner can be booked in for a check up and evaluation etc...

    This will be emotionally hard for you and your partner but, the outcome is great once the therapy is done :) He may not ever be 100% again but, close to it :)

    PS: he won't ever be scared to touch you don't worry about that...

  2. I like Pinhead's comment, people are sometimes too quick to try and label something as a mental health illness when often things are just part of the way a person is.  We're all different and have are little odd ways!

    Sit down and talk to your boyfriend and express your concerns, try and see if there's any reason behind his change in behaviour. He may not even realise how seemingly obsessive he has become.

    If he feels like his fear of germs and untidiness is interfering with his life and unhappiness, offer to support him in seeing a doctor. A bit of cognitive behavioural therapy or other talking therapy may help him.

    Good luck.

  3. He has OCD. he need a thearpist

  4. just dont have s*x cause then ur overies will turn into potaterss!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. OCD is only really an issue if it interferes with the sufferers ability to live a normal life. In your boyfriend's case, it sounds like it does. Try to talk him into seeing a doctor about this. He can't exactly live the rest of his life behaving like this, can he? There are treatments available.

  6. Yes - sounds like classic OCD....which can be treated with therapy and medication which can lessen the symptoms

  7. I so love the amateur psychologists on this site SEE A PROFESSIONAL

  8. OCD would be the medical label for his rather extreme behaviour, yes. But unless it's actually bothering him and he accepts he has a problem, then he won't want to seek any treatment (cognitive behavioural therapy would be the best btw) and in that case you'll just have to regard it as part of his personality and take it or leave it.

  9. Yes definitely sounds as though he has OCD - OCD can be brought on by depression - has he been down lately? - Get him to see GP and try and discuss it with him he may think he is acting perfectly normal. Anti-depressants worked for me I was on them for 1 year and have not looked back since I never had any problem getting off them either. If he does not see GP his symptoms will get worse.  

  10. I'm 95% sure he has OCD, However when you have an anxiety disorder, such as social anxiety or panic disorder, you can get symptoms of OCD. Their all caused by low serotonin (as well as other factors) in the brain. Also he may have a b12 deficiency. He should stay away from all caffeine. I recommend zoloph, take the medicine for about 6 months and basically the medicine is the same as con____ behavioral therapy CBT, because the idea af CBT is to expose you to your anxiety until you become numb to it. the medicine takes away the anxiety so you can expose yourself , so you can overcome it. If in 6 months it is not greatly improved he will need therapy. He need to seek help quickly because it will get worse, it will explode one day when he get under a lot of stress. Also he has probably had a tramatic chilhood experience he needs to come to terms with. He shold talk about it deeply and often, and write down how he feels, and burn it. also he need a note book of what he is feeling and how he is improving. He need your support. he may be in denial, but you have to convience him of the truth.

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