
I think my brain may be mixed up.

by  |  earlier

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Okay. I have a little teeny tiny BIG problem. and the problem is that I'm annoyed of alot of stuff, like humming and little things. pretty much you could say I'm a nitpicker. BUT I NEED HELP! i need to break the habit! it is some weird brain problem or is it a bad habit, I also need to know that! help from anybody who isn't going to post mean comments about it.




  1. do you get very angry if someone was to say hum? or do anything else that you find very annoying? do you use rage? maybe you should talk to someone about it, first a parent/gaurdian then maybe a psychologist/psychiatrist.

    i hope your problems will be resolved. =)

  2. it sonds like you have anxiety.  helped by some meds.  or thngs like music therapy.  yoga.  and meditation

  3. Everybody had petpeeves hun, the only thing I can suggest is to try and remember that you can not control the actions of others, but you can control your own actions. Myself I become irate when someone chews with their mouth open, and I won't even talk about the miss use of the word chef. So basically I think you are pretty normal.

  4. something is wrong..

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