
I think my brother knows that I'm g*y?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16 and g*y, I think that my older brother knows. I have a boyfriend who he meet. I said that he is a friend. well recently he says he seems like a nice guy, and when ever one of his friends makes a g*y joke he tell them to shut up or stop being a jackas$. He also keeps saying to me, if there is anything you ever what to tell me you can, because your my brother and I love you no matter what. Does he know? Should I tell him?




  1. i think he may and i would tell him =]

  2. Maybe he has an inkling and is waiting for you to tell him. I reckon you should, he seems a great brother.

  3. He could know and yes, if you have confidence in your brother that he will support you and stand by you.  Everybody needs someone to believe in them and who better than your brother?

    Good luck and God Bless You.

  4. yeah he knows. He obviously loves you and wants you to tell him =] good luck

  5. im sorry... but he knows... due to what he did and said.. he will back you up 100%.. i think you should tell him.. if he already knows then if he had a huge problem about it he would have told you as soon as he found out. i think he just wants you tell him when your ready.. what a great brother. :)  

  6. Wow! Sounds like you have a really cool brother! If you want to, you can go ahead and tell him but I'm sure he already knows. He seems like he would be completely cool with it and fully support you. :)

  7. Omfg ur brother is awesome I'm bi and don't hav a brother but if I did and he was like that I'd tell him ... Just be like hey I hav to tell u something just don't ever tell mom and dad lol and then go out say it but don't and I mean DON'T tell ur parents lol I would never tell mine I'm bi ... Well I might but when I'm like 25 lol.  I'm 14 btw

  8. You might not want to unless he seams really sincere. Trust me, I have the mind of a s****t and when someone tells me something I can use against them it's probably the best thing in the world because I can use it over and over.

  9. Yea I think he knows. You should tell him because he seems very supportive of you. Your lucky to have a big brother like that.

  10. i`m 16 too and if my older brother found out abt me,he would MURDER me!

    i don`t think u should tell him yet,wait till ur really sure about what he thinks about people like us,then tell him.

    p.s:i would really apreciate if u could give me some advice.


  11. He knows... you might as acknowledge it.

    The give away is that he's says that 'you can tell him whatever, and that we love you'.

    That's a good thing. :)

  12. Yes, Jason. Your brother knows.He's practically TOLD you he knows. Clearly he loves you and keeping this non-secret from him is hurting both of you needlessly.

    Plus, having your older brother there for support can help when you come out to your parents, etc.

    P.S. I hope you and your boyfriend have many joyous days together.

  13. He so knows, and really wants you to be open with him, tell him it will bring you to closer together. just take and say yes I do have something to tell you and that is the fact that I'm g*y.

  14. well it seems that he has no problem that you are g*y. he knows that you are g*y.  

  15. that really depends on your relationship, but i would consider it

  16. eh.

    you might as well just tell him.

    hed probably be cool with it and all.

    so it works.

  17. He knows, and he's not ashamed.  Go ahead and tell him--he's clearly waiting for you to do so.  That one show of trust means a lot.

  18. I wish he was my brother, thats really good, do tell him.

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