
I think my cat's pregnant, but she isn't healthy?

by  |  earlier

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My cat escaped about a month ago, and a couple weeks after she came back, I noticed large pink nipples, and I've never seen them on her before, so I assumed she was pregnant. She's not very healthy, I'm assuming. Ever since I got a new cat about a year ago, she doesn't eat as much, and acts really depressed. I don't think she's underweight, but she's dropped weight quickly, and doesn't like to spend any time with people. I haven't noticed her stomach getting any bigger, and it's been about 2-3 weeks since I noticed her nipples. I really can't afford the vet, but I will start saving if this is her life at stake. Does anyone know what could be wrong, and/or how much a visit to the vet would cost?




  1. feel her belly. you should be able to feel the babys moving. you should call around to local vets some give advise right over the phone. they will also give you prices. spend some time petting her and giving her attention. also give her her own food bowl and litter box. that helped us when we had two cats that hated each other.  

  2. if you feel her stomach, you should be able to feel that she is pregnant

  3. i would take her to the vet asap! we had a cat that we thought was pregnant and it turned out that she had a cyst in her uterus that was causing her not to eat and mood changes...we didn't know about the cyst until it had burst and it killed her...take her to the vet regardless of the cost, most vets offer payment plans.

  4. I f you are really desperate, take her to the vet NOW!!!! They will work with so you can pay your bill little by little over time.

  5. I would switch her to a grain-free canned food now. Good food is the foundation of your pet's health. Wellness is a good brand and you can find it at petco.

  6. Again "i can't really afford a vet!"  

    then try to find a group that offers low cost neutering /spaying.

    You NEED TO HAVE HER SPAYED /  If she isn't PG then do it now...

    There are programs that you can have all the cost covered by vouchers.

    Call the local animal shelter and ask if they have a low cost program/ or know of groups that help out.

    Your on the computer ( you afford that? but not a vet???) put in your city and then spay/ neuter clinics or rescue groups.

    good luck

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