
I think my cat ate a bat, help?

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i think my cat ate a bat, help? He is weak, he did not eat or drink anything until today, he seems to be doing a little better but he seems to be still having sezures still which he never had before. His p**p is black, there is alot of bats around my house. he always catches the mice but her has never acted like this. The vet said if he go snake bit it would swell up and if her ate a mouse with rat poison in it he would have blood coming out of his nose. Any help




  1. I'm agreeing with poster number 2.  Rat poison is a blood thinner.  If the cat is at the point blood is coming out of his nose, he's at death's door.  Black p**p, on the other hand, could mean blood in the stools (and he is loosing blood via his intestines).  Either the rat poison or the bleeding intestines can make the cat lethargic.

    If he ate the bat, try to save what's left (hopefully some brain is intact) and have it analzyed.  Use gloves to pick up the bat.

    If your cat has been vaccinated against rabies, the cat should be fine in that aspect.  (Everyone else may want to get checked out though.)  The vet needs to check him out at any rate.  Bring a p**p sample along to the vet.  Do NOT wait until blood is coming out of the nose.  By then, it is probably too late.

  2. Did you tell the vet you think he could have eaten a bat.  Because there are public health implications--such as rabies risks for you and your family. Your vet should discuss quarantine protocolas with you, and if you cat should die, it most definatly needs to be tested for rabies.  Rabies is not a disease to take lightly.

    If his stool is black it indicates that he is bleeding from his GI tract.  I would be really worried about lethargy and siezures.  He needs to see a vet.

    The reason why the vet said he could have blood coming out of his nose if he ate a rodent with rat poison is because rat poison prevents blood from clotting.  So they bleed.  He probally is bleeding in his GI tract.

    He needs a good vet.

  3. i've never heard of blood coming out of the nose for if the cat ate a mouse that ate rat poison.i'd call a different vet.snake bite would only swell in the area where it was bit in the first few hours then in rest of body if untreated.i don't know if rabies can be passed that way so really your best bet is to take the animal to a vet  

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