
I think my cat is pregnant, how can I tell for sure? And how long are cats pregnant for?

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I have a female cat, she's about a year and a half old, and her nipples are getting bigger and pinker. I have a male cat that's not fixed, but when I got her from the Humane Society, they said she was fixed. How do I tell if she is without taking her to the vet? And if she is, how long do cats stay pregnant?




  1. If the humane society is near by, you can definitely call them and ask for them to re-check your cat. It should be their responsibility to make sure that cat had been fixed, or to have it on record that they performed the surgery.

    Cats are usually pregnant for 65 days.

    Other signs:

    Very gently run your hand over the surface of her tummy to see if you feel a sort of swelling and small lumps the size of walnuts. DO NOT feel or prod the lumps. Be VERY gentle, they could be babies!

    If your cat is close to giving birth, she will start nesting/hiding. She may spend a lot of time fixing her sleeping area or finding a comfortable safe place to lay.

    If you have an overweight cat and are not sure if she's pregnant or just fat..fat cats are fat all over, including the neck, the legs. etc. Pregnant cats are not. Also, pregnant cats will have a swayed back from the new weight they are carrying.

    Lastly-- A pregnant cat will change emotionally much like any pregnant mother. Their nurturing instincts will be very strong and she may become more affectionate than usual.

    On a side note, think about getting your male cat fixed. Cats can get pregnant again almost immediately after giving birth. Imagine how many litters of unwanted kittens one male cat can create-- that is why there is such a big problem with stray overpopulation!

    Be a responsible owner :) Good luck!

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