
I think my cat is racist...?

by  |  earlier

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He is a white cat, and does not like black people...

I find this so weird because he is so friendly to all the kids who live around me, and none of them treat him very nicely at all...they pull his ears, his tail, his legs...etc.

I'm a little ashamed of this, but every time he is outside and a black person walks by, he puffs himself up and starts advancing towards them like he wants to leap onto their face. This happens usually once or twice a DAY, so I know I'm not imagining it.





  1. Lol, it's funny, don't get me wrong, I'm not racist!

    But i agree with the 3rd answer, maybe he had a bad experience with black people??


  2. maybe he is. i had a dog that did the same thing.

    go figure.

  3. He could've been abused by a black person as a past owner.

  4. It's completely normal for an animal to be uncomfortable around a person of a different race from their owner, it has nothing to do with the animal's color either. I have a black dog who growled at a black woman, it was the first black person she had ever seen. And my neighbor's parrot doesn't like white people. My dogs are even picky about the length of hair on other dogs, I have short haired dogs and they want nothing to do with long haired dogs. One of my dogs doesn't like my Irish godmother and will growl and howl at her. Animals will pick and choose who they like, it may be their smell, their voice, their s*x, and even their race. It may or many not be a bad experience with a black person, it's hard to tell.  

  5. This is not uncommon behavior for some cats and dogs.It also occurs in reverse with a pet of a black person showing aggression to whites.If you have a black friend that is willing to help you change this behavior introduce the cat to them in slow steps, keeping control of your animal,until it no longer perceives them as a threat.

  6. well  i am not racist but i think thats kind of funny lol but i dont know the reasom maybe she was abused by a black person!?!

  7. To be fair, it IS possible - animals have quirks just like humans do (this can range from preferring members of one gender over another to even being homosexual).  A friend of mine has a dog who (I wish I was kidding) will growl or bark at anyone who is not Hispanic.  This includes me, and this only started after a few years of knowing him, when he'd previously been very cuddly with everyone.

    By the same token, it is possible that your cat has had some sort of bad experience with blacks.  If you adopted your cat from someone or from a shelter, this raises the possibility.

  8. that is ridiculous,i suppose that maybe you did'nt always have this cat and it was maybe abused by someone that may of been of color or it may be coinsedence or you cat is afraid of stranger i think if your cat was black orange or gray it would still act that way and the cat is probably use to the kids it may just be afraid of passerbys.

    cats are about knowing smells and may be on defense becaus its not getting the chance to sniff the person out cause there passing by.

  9. lol thats funny..but it happens....its not because they are black its something they do to him..

  10. more than likely its because cats are colorblind...they see black people and cant really see them...its more like a shadow to they get scared and want to attack. i have a cat that does that, and also my dogs do that as well

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