
I think my cats retarded?

by  |  earlier

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he walks into walls he dosnt meow he just make a lil squek and he jumps into toilet bowls




  1. lol wow

  2. I don't think there is anything wrong with him.  If we didn't make sure that we shut the toilet lid I am quite sure my cat would jump right in.  I  think some cats are just more adventurous than others.  I wouldn't worry about it.  As far as the squeaky meow I think all cats have different meows for different things.

  3. its not that your cats retarded its just you haven't taught it enough and trained it enough to teach it not to do the things it should  not do

  4. hmmmmm...maybe he's deaf and partially blind.  please get him checked by a doctor. :)

  5. don't worry my cat's g*y

  6. obviously

  7. omg thats to funny i've never seen or heard about a cat doing that

  8. Your cat's NOT retarded, it sounds like he might of got hit by a car and it has caused some brain damage. Take him to the vet and see what they say, he might need medication. Love him like a normal cat, give him more affection than usual. He needs to be looked after and cared for more than an ordinary cat, and there's nothing wrong with this. He sounds like a cat i'd want to hold in my arms and give him all my love.

    And what the h**l is wrong with the rest of you idiots!! Yee have NO heart!

  9. no all cats are like that

  10. Well my Friends have a dog that they thought had ADD cause when they threw a ball or something he just sit there but if they threw it the other way he'd rush for it and turned out he was blind in 1 eye.

  11. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then your Cat is Retarded.   Probably funny as h**l.  you should film it, put it on youtube and send the video to Americas Funiest animals you might make a buck or 2 to get him some professional r****d help.

  12. I have a cat that I bottle raised. My mother (who works at a vet hospital) would carry them (the two brothers) in a big cardboard box to work with her. One day she was trying to carry too much stuff and nearly dropped the box. One of the kittens rolled down the now-slanting box and hit his poor wittle head really hard on the side of the box.

    Now, three years later, he walks funny, runs into walls, sleeps in the middle of the floor (after flopping down), mews when someone sneezes, and squeaks when he purrs. Also, he seems to be constantly in this state of happiness/la-la landness. (yay, made-up words!!)

  13. awww =[ does he have his whiskers???

    cuz that can make them run into walls and loose balance and such.


    maybe you should take him to the vet... awww  

  14. yup retarded or blind try acting like ur gonna hit him in the face but stop before your hit him and see if he flinches or reacts...otherwise take him to the vet...common in older animals

  15. LOL my kitten/cat(in middle) runs into EVERYTHING!! you can swing a toy in a circle and he'll get dizzy, not to mention the squeaks and squeals and he sits on my dads decks(my dads a DJ) while they're running lmao. and my other cat has jumped into the toilet 3 times in a row. we take her out, she'll jump back in within secs, that disgusting cat!

    LOL all cat's are just weird.

    Charlotte x

  16. Oh my

    maybe take it to the vet and have it evaluated

  17. I don't think your cat is retarded, but if he walks into walls, then he might be somewhat blind. If you think its really that bad you could see a vet. Its common for cats to want to go in the toliet bowl, they just do that, but its not weird or anything. And a lot of cats don't talk, so don't worry. He just sounds like a quiet cat. I hope I could help!!

  18. ALL cats do that, but yes, cats are retarded.

  19. Retarded cats are so cute :D

  20. maybe he is retarded then.  

  21. Your cat needs to be seen by a vet.  He may have a vision problem or other medical condition.

  22. lol yup.

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