
I think my dad abuses me.

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I'm 13 years old and i live with my mum, dad and a little sister. Me and my mum get on quite well, but my dad shouts at me alot and chucks me out of the house.

My mum has a job that means she has to go away alot, and when she's gone, my dad shouts at me all the time and keeps hitting me. I tell my mum and she sometimes sticks up for me, but she rarely says anything to him, because it causes big arguments.

He treats me really badly, but he treats my sister nice. When I'm annoying he tells my sister 'Dont be like him. He's an annoying little s***!' and treats her really nicely.

Even when i have friends round he abuses me and all of my friends dont want to come round because i have MASSIVE arguments with him.

Its been going on since i was about 3, and when i was about 11, i started cutting. I've thought about running away, but im too scared that I'll get caught and be punished.

Recently, he kicked me out of the house and hit me quite violently, but it didnt leave a bruise or anything. Is this classed as abuse and what should i do about it?

I dont want to go through it anymore...




  1. First stop cutting, no one wins from that. Secondly tell your school teacher or counselor and get them to help you.

    He does sound abusive but you are too young to live on your own. Maybe you have another family memeber you can stay with since he doesnt want you around. And then you can just visit.

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