
I think my daughter has ADD need more info on syptoms she is 4.?

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Need to know what symptoms to look for in children so I will be able to help her.




  1. you need to take her to a professional

  2. No, you need professional help. Get it BEFORE you find out about the symptoms. Self-diagnosis of this sort of thing is a dreadful idea, because it's completely normal for a young child to have most of the symptoms to some degree.

    Once you have a diagnosis (even if it's only a "maybe" or "it's likely that"), then you start researching to find out how to help her.

  3. All 4 year olds have that!! LOL My 4 year old daughter is so freaking annoying and crazy sometimes, I just want to pull my hair out. But, I know she's normal because when I walk into her preschool, I'm seeing several little girls her age literally climbing up the walls, and sticking their hands in the fish tank, and running around throwing toys and my daughter is looking at them like they are weird. I admire those teachers for the strength and courage to be a preschool teacher. But if you are serious, I would have her checked out by her pediatrician. Self diagnosis isn't the best thing because you will just freak yourself out.

  4. can't block out noises gets very hyper seek professional though but those are the main things to look for

  5. How could you think your daughter is ADD if you don't even yourself know what ADD symptoms are?

    Yes, you should seek professional help and not self-diagnose. But even professional help may not always be the most reliable. Misdiagosing, HMO issues, interest issues, unethical practices..they are rampant in the medical establishment today.  There is too vague of a distinction between what is ADD/ADHD and a perfectly healthy child with alot of energy that any person or child can fit the criteria for diagnosing ADD/ADHD.

    In other words, ADD/ADHD walks the line between an actual disorder, and treating childhood as a disorder. And the medical establishment doesn't even have solid scientific basis of what is and what causes ADHD. The thousand-page medical journals gives only one line that it's a neurological disorder.

    Think of it this way. Bart Simpson and Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes. A warming comic series on the simple joys of life and the innocence of childhood (okay, maybe not that innocent). If Bart and Calvin were real boys, they'd be on all kinds of ADD and psychotic meds.

    Children as young as two are being diagnosed with ADD, and many of them are perfectly healthy and boisterous little kids being unnecessarily medicated.

  6. Self-diagnose is not reliable for such illnesses. You should seek professional help.

  7. Symptoms can be that she finds it hard to concenterate she can get very hyper but i would still seek proffesional help.

  8. #1...What other children are you comparing her to. she attending a preschool?  Has the teacher said anything to you in regards to her behaviors...I would need more information on why you think she has ADD.  There is ADHD as well. In my opinion, 2nd grade is too late for a child who MAY have ADD or ADHD.  They have missed SO much and will be behind academically.  Many times there are more than one underlying problem and it is not just ADD alone.  It takes more than a parent to identify ADD.  The physician/psychiatrist will have the teacher, daycare provider, and parent answer questions regarding sleep, social, daily activities.  My grandson was diagnosed at the age of 3.  I am a preschool disability teacher and have many young children in my classroom with ADD/ADHD.  Contact your pediatrician!

  9. i had the same problem with my son who is also four my primary care physician referred me to a neurologist he had my answers give it a try

  10. for my daughter I was told they wouldn't check til they reached the 2nd grade. right now she is just trying to burn off energy, etc. but when it is time there is a questionnaire they give you and your child's teacher to fill out.  for my daughter she just couldn't sit still.  I couldn't have her lay in the bed with me cause she was just so fidgety.  a lot of people wouldn't recommend putting your child on meds...but for mine it really helped her out. her grades and attention both improved greatly.  if they do want to put her on something make sure they start her off on the lowest dose and work up if needed.  I guess that is where the problem lies. cause I was told kids turn to zombies n this n that but I am starting to believe that those kids were just overdosed or whatnot, because that is not the case with mine.  don't let anyone talk you in or out of putting her on the meds...only you know what would be best for her.  just make sure you have a good pediatrician and work with him/her. good luck

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