
I think my doctor is a nut?

by  |  earlier

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I went to the doctor to get re-checked for STDs because it's been burning when I pee and I could have got something right after I got checked the first time because me and my boyfriend were "on break" and I just found out that he might have messed around with another girl (3 months ago). My doctor took a urine sample and then looked at me down there and said that my cervix looks normal and she didn't see any sores so she said it could be a bladder infection but that came back clear. She let me go. Why wouldn't she just check me for STDs?? It wouldn't be burning for no reason! Would a yeast infection be detected by the urine test? Could it be the soap I'm using or something? I'm just lost and scared because I know how serious STDs are when you're pregnant. Any ideas? Thanksss.




  1. Get a second opinion. All good insurance carriers will cover a different doctor for a second opinion.

  2. Did you ask for a std test? if so then yes your doc is a nut and you need to make another appointment. You can also go to the hospital and they will do it for you. good luck

  3. it could really be a number of things! go to the er and say you are in a lot of pain! that way your ins covers it and they will check you out thoroughly. dont take any chances! good luck

  4. i say youre in all your right to thinks shes a nut! my OB checked for all STD's and infections once i found out i was prego. you may want to look for another doctor.


  5. it may be a yeast infection, I would suggest going to a free clinic and getting tested if your doctor doesn't want to. Also, a urine test will detect yeast.

  6. You can treat a yeast infection by drinking cranberry juice. Try some vagisil or Monistat cooling wipes or something to see if it relieves the pain any. It could be something as simple as a bruised ureter (from having s*x). Don't use strong soaps down there. Even if you take more than one shower a day, only wash down there once a day. Use a clean washcloth each time-- not a nasty loofah that's been dangling in your shower for 3 weeks.... Did she swipe you with a q-tip while she was examining your cervix? Did they do bloodwork? Urine would show a bacterial infection, so if you had a UTI or something like that, it would have showed up. I guess you should find another doctor.

    I hope you feel better.

  7. You are right. It could be anything.

    I suggest going to some other doctor for a second opinion.

    Hope the doctor is right, though!

    Good luck.

  8. My dr. ran tests for everything without my asking. Normally they ask you if there is a chance you have any STD'S, and ask if you would like to test for them. How far along are you? You may want to consider another dr.  

  9. Did you request to get checked for STDs? I know where I'm at they don't even bother asking they just do it. I would just go back and tell the doctor point blank to test you for what you want to be tested for so that you can put yourself at ease.

    Sorry if this to personal but is your boyfriend using a different type of condom or maybe lubricant that you could have an allergy towards?

    It could also be the soap... try switching to a milder, sensitive skin soap or a soap like what they use on babies.

  10. I would see ur midwife and explain ur ex or partner had cheated and ur having burnin, i know a hospital is bein sued at the moment for the same thing, they refused to re test the mum and the baby was born with chlamidya in its eyes and nearly lost it sight, good luck

  11. Honey, it's bladder infection. That's the main symptom, if it burns when you pee. If you've already got checked, you don't have STD's. Yes, soap and body wash could really be bad if it gets near or even inside the v****a. It could give you yeast infection.  But i've had bladder infection since I was 5 years old, I know exactly how it feels, so I know when i'm getting it. Also, caffeine could give you bladder infection, so if you drink alot of pop then you probably should cut down.

  12. av urine test will detect a yeast infetion or kdney infection which will both sting when you pee. but if you arent drinking enough fluids and your pee is a dark yellow colour you are a little dehydrated. rarely and STD causes stinging when you pee and if your doc says there is no sores or innflamation (which would indicate infection) then you a probably ok but if you re still uncertain you have a right to demand a test for STD's your doctor has no right to refuse but it may just be a yeast infection that when undetected which can happen so go speak to you pharmacist tell them your symptoms and see what they recommend

  13. it could be the soap but im sure if your doctor would think its a STD they would do the blood work but if you still think its a STD i would ask them to take blood to make yourself feel better

  14. If you are really worried, I would get a second opinion.  

  15. Wow, wth, she should have checked for STD's.  Sounds like a nut to me?  I had a bacterial infection that was detected by a pap (not urine).

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