
I think my dog and maybe my cat has fleas. Solutions?

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They've been scratching themselves a lot lately, and my dog has a bare spot on her back from all the biting. We can't really afford to take her to the vet right now, whats the best option?




  1. Fleas leave "flea dirt" behind. Get a flea comb and check your pets' fur for this "dirt." If it changes to red when you get it wet, then you have fleas. (The "dirt" is actually digested blood... in essence "flea p**p"). If they do have fleas they really do need to see a vet. If they aren't treated, they could become anemic and sick. The flea medicines sold at walmart and such really aren't very good for them. At the very least, get a good flea shampoo. You'll have to treat your whole house and yard, too, or else they'll just crawl right back on your pets. Get them on a flea preventative asap. It's much easier and cheaper than dealing with fleas. Hope this helps. :  )  

  2. You can buy Frontline Plus and a Capstar pill for both pets over the counter at any Vet clinic. Use as directed.

      Don't buy the stuff at the stores, you will be wasting your money.

  3. i would try any type of flee medicine i recomend Frontline Plus and petmeds is a great way to go

    GOOD LUCK!!!

  4. Flea repellents are sold at most stores (Wal*Mart, Giant Eagle, etc.). If you can't afford the vet, it could be a major problem.

  5. If you go to a pet store, they should have some flea remover things to give to your cat and dog (wether their pills, shampoos, gels, etc). I have this stuff for my cat that you just squeeze into the middle of his shoulder blades, and the fleas are usualy gone. I'm not sure if all pet stores have things like that, but some should.

    Goo luck!

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