
I think my dog is hording socks?

by  |  earlier

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now i've had dogs that eat undies/bras/anything wood... but this is just weird to me. one day i was gathering up my socks (which, yes, were all over the bedroom floor), but i knew i had to have a lot more than i was finding. eventually i found the jackpot under the bed. i dont take them off anywhere NEAR the bed, i take them off at the couch, and they always end up under the coffee table (its one big room).

we really think that gobo was hiding them there!! but strangely, its only my socks, and not the nasty smelly ones from my fiance. just yesterday i was getting more together and found a pile under her dog bed. i know i didnt put them there.

do you think she would really horde socks?!? and why only mine? i know you're going to just say put them in the hamper, but my mom's been telling me that for 26 years, so good luck with that one.

and its only socks. thankfully she's stopped eating bras, but she eats my glasses if she gets them off the table, and she doesnt eat any other type of clothing (and never has). my old dog used to hunt out underware, it was crazy, but this seems even weirder to me. thoughts?




  1. Our dogs do the same thing. When I leave my socks on the floor, my dog will sneak into the bedroom and steal them, then hide them under the dog bed. She never chews them up, she is just a Klepto-chihuahua!

  2. One of our dogs is the same way with my husbands socks. He'll dig them out of our hamper and carry them all over the house. At least for right now, he's not tearing them, just carrying them around.

    I think it's because he likes the way husbands feet smell, or the dog wants to be reminded of him when he's at work.

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